পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৬৪

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বঙ্গ বকুল, 5, the name of a tree (Mimusops z####, s, flower of M. elengi. [elengi). zzol, s. a remainder, arrears ofrent. zo, s. fortune, luck, fate. [mentioned. zoo), a fit or necessary to be spoken or zări, s. a fluent person, a speaker, orator. বক্তৃতা, s. a speech, eloquence. [sion. zoo, g. the mouth; first term in progresবকরক, zʻzgzʻzgtf, zIz5zrfoe, 3. talkativeness, garrulity, prattle, gabble, a grumbling. zzozzo, v. a. to murmur, to talk much. zaga FIR, s. a talking, a murmuring. zzgaf sal, a. talkative, garrulous, prating. zoo, a curved, crooked, awry, distorted, sinuous, tortuous, askew, churlish. z Fșitst, a tortuous, zigzag, flexuous. z FS1, s. crookedness, distortedness, churlবক্রদূ fĒ, a. squint-eyed. Lishness. z FoÍTR, a. crook-footed, bandy-legged. FETi, s. ahe-goat. TỪft, s. a she-goat. *zzfFR, s. a Musalmán festival. [plus. ZIGF, 8. a remainder, residue, arrears, surবক্রীকৃত, a. bent, made crooked; adverse. zītēzzữzi, a. refrangible, bendable. TÄTSTA, s. crookedness, refractedness, re<ātūo, a, become crooked. [fraction. zost, s. a paymaster; -otal, a pay-office. zotto, s. a reward, a gift, a present. KTFF, 8. the breast, the chest, the bosom. zoWor, s, the cavity of the stomach. zoWsco, s, in anatomy, the pleura. zoo, a. situated on the breast. ZIGF5FEIFI, s. the bosom, the breast. zodify, s. the breast-bone (sternum). zo-INIo, a, hereafter to be mentioned or *** {1, 8, a share, a portion. [described. Zoolossos, 8, a partner, an accomplice. ***ftā, a greedy, niggardly: s. a miser. বর্থীলী, s. niggardliness, stinginess. **C*I31, 8, a peculiar stitch in sewing. off, s, the armpit; the flank, the side. zofit, s. a small bag, a purse. zsit, s. a dagger, a hanger: Eng. abuggy. o, s. a crook or turn in a river, a reach. zofo, a crooked, bending, tortuous. of, s, lead, tin; the country of Bengal; cotton; the egg-plant; the calx oftin. [ 252 | - বট zoof, s, the country of Bengal. [gig. zfūrātfös, s. a top, a teetotum, a whirliবঙক্ষণ, or £5fs, e. the hips, the groin. - zS, s. a parrot; the orris root. [tence. zosa, s. a saying, a speech, a word, a senzbātā, a utterable, proper to be spoken. z5zīl, s. discord, wrangling, quarrelling. z Sos, or zbog, a. obedient, subordinate. 451, 8, a word; -45, altercation, a dispute. zsőzsi, s. a large kind of travelling boat; a species of grain (Panicum spicatum). *z Gil, a right, proper, true, accurate. *g'EfşT, s. a mercer, a linen-draper. zoggifo, a, base-born, vile, of bad caste. zoosot, g. a being base-born, baseness. zo, s, thunderbolt, diamond: a, adamantine, hard, impenetrable, cross, forked. asso, s. a clap of thunder. zgivisfa, s. an appellation of Indra. বজ্রপT5, 8. the fall of a thunderbolt. zāātīā, a short, hardy, and resolute. zúsosso, s. a thunder-stroke, unforeseen বঞ্জাভ, 8 the precious opal. [calamity. TET SITH, a. crosswise, zigzag: 8. reciprocal multiplication. [lude. 3% v. a. to deceive, to impose on, to dezoo, a fraudulent, swindling, deceiving, crafty: s. a knave, a deceiver, an impostor, a cheat, a rogue, a jackal. zoo, s, the deceiving of a person. zool, s. deceit, swindling, an imposition, fraud, a cheat, roguery, knavery. zoo RT4:51, s. a swindler, rogue, deceiver, an impostor, a cheat, a knave. **RIo, ad fraudulently, deceitfully. zoosits, a capable of being deceived. afo, a. deceived, imposed on, deluded, cheated, defrauded. [of an animal. zü, s, the Indian fig-tree,’ acauri, thegut বটিক, or বড়ী, s. a pill, a bolus, a ball. zfÈHI, s. a small oar, a paddle. [impost. zo, s. a fish-knife, a rope, a bead; excise, &W, s. a priest, a bráhman. [right. zcü, ad. indeed, truly, actually, yes, true, zog, s. a species of quail.” zŘEfzri, s. a banter, mockery, raillery. güsifrol, s. a wag, one who banters.