পাতা:আমেরিকা ভ্রমণ.djvu/৭৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

আমেরিক ভ্রমণ ל 3 সম্বন্ধে রসিকতাপূর্ণ প্রবন্ধ লেখে । তাহার অবিকল নকল এইস্থানে দিলাম : — A throng in a Chicago street “Chicago sounded to my cars as something like a dreadsul human-hell, far away from nature. It may be so from one point of view but from another this profane, unpoetic, smoky city may appear to be a sort of zoological garden. Suppose you look down a street from the top window of Masonic Temple. The massive buildings with hundreds of wind, ws, and thousands of two-legged creatures going in and out, are just like the immense hives or else ants towers. You catch sight of news-boys who jump from one car to another, or cross streets back and forth. They are the street's human sparrows. The smoke-smothered boys who stand at the show windows of stores with such citrious and absent-minded looks, with ever favorite pea-nuts in their hands are indeed the close relatives of monkeys. The red-necktied gentlemen on the street, with silvertipped canes under their arms and with a jaunty air of cake-walk-artist, strut about the street, ladies behind, of course they are the roosters and the hens ! Now comes a “merry-widow-hat” like a pea-cock with its gorgeous feathers in full display. As to the ducks, goats, donkeys, elephants and wolves no mention need be made of them, for you will not likely sail to recognize them as they come mingled in the throng." fhotosí Union Stock Yard's Go fostě at Stock Yardএ যত জীবন্ত beef type গরু, শূয়র, ভেড়া প্রভৃতি জড়ো করিয়া