বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:ইংরেজের জয় বা আরকট অবরোধ ও পলাশী.pdf/৩৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

VOR8 ইংরেজের জয় । maging about this neighbourhood and that of the adjoining Post Office in the afternoons, poking my nose into all sorts of obscure corners, measuring, marking, and finally Ordering the erection of marble memorials and slabs. This big piller which I am now about to unveil, and the numerous tablets on the other side of the street, are the final outcome of these labours. But let me explain how it is that they have come about and what they mean. When Iecame out to India in this very month four years ago, one of the companions of my s voyage was that delightful book Echo es of () l - - - - Calcutta, By Mr. Busteed, formerly well known as an officer in the Calcutta Mint, and now living in retirement at home. There I read the full account of the tragic circumstances under which the old Fort William, which stood between the site where I am now speaking and the river, was besieged and taken by the forces of Siraj-udDowlah in I756; and of the heroism and sufferings of small band of survivors who were shut up for an awful summer's night in June in the tiny prison known as the Black Hole, with the shocking result that of the I46 who went in Only 23 came out alive. I also read that the Monument which had been erected shortly after the disaster by Mr. Holwell, one of the survivors, who wrote a detailed account of that night of horrors and who was after qq AAS S SSLLMMM S S SAqASSSMM S BB iDSMSMS S LiMSLSL TLSTSLSi iBB BBLLLLSSSL SS SLueS =SumitaBot (আলাপ)=wrs yr ^ -~rseebruggs.