বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:ইংরেজের জয় বা আরকট অবরোধ ও পলাশী.pdf/৩৪২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

*\. উপসংহার । \RS the spot where they suffered and laid down their liyes. These are, however, two very material alterations that I have made in the external features of the monument. Holwell's inscriptions, written by himself with the memory of that awful experience still fresh in his mind, contained a bitter reference to the personal responsibility for the tragedy of Siraj-ud-Dowlah, which I think is not wholly justified by our fuller knowledge of the facts, gathered from a great variety of sources, and which I have therefore struck out as calcutated to keep alive feelings that we would all wish to see die. Further, though Holwell’s record contained less than 5O names out of the I23 who had been suffocated in the Black Hole, I have, by means of careful search into the records both here and in England, recovered not only the Christian names of the whole of these persons, but also more than 20 fresh names of those who also died in the Prison. . So that the new monument records the names of no fewer than 6 O of the victims of that terrible night. In the course of my studies, in which I have been ably assisted by Mr. S. C. Hill, of the Record Department, who is engaged in bringing out a separate Work on the subject. I have also recovered the names of more than 20 other Europeans who, though they did not actually die in the Black