বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:গবর্ণমেণ্ট্‌ গেজেট্‌ (জানুয়ারি-ফেব্রুয়ারি) ১৮৭৭.pdf/১৪২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 8כל ) [PART I. HOME DEPARTMENT. NOTIFICATIONS.–Establishments. Fort William, the 14th January 1876. No. 25.-Mr. J. G. Ritchie, of Her Majesty's Bengal Civil Service, reported to the Government of Bengal his arrival at Calcutta on the 28th October last. No. 27.-Mr. A. J. Primrose, of Her Majesty's Bengal Civil Service, reported to the Government of Bengal his arrival at Calcutta on the 15th November last. 蠱 ExAMINATIONs. The 13th January 1876. No. 1.-Mr. C. D. C. Winter, of the Bengal Civil Service, having obtained a certificate of high proficiency in Bengali, has been presented with the authorized donation of Rs. 1,000. Arthur Howell, Osg. Secy. to the Govt. of India. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, AGRICULTURE, AND COMMERCE, Fort Willian, the 13th January 1875. No. 23.—Mr. J. C. MacDonell, Assistant Conscrvator of Forests of the 1st grade, is transferred from the Punjab to Bengal, with cffect from the 27th December 1875. ● A. O. Ilumn, Seey. to the Govt. of India. uSAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAASAA SASTSTTS AASAASAASAA S SSSSS FINANCIAL TOEPARTMENT. ള്ള ജ് ബജ്ജബ്ജം -- NOTIFICATIONS.—LEAve AND ALLowANcks. Fort William, the 14th January 1876. No. 274.—The Governor-General in Council directs that the following be substituted for the first para. of Rule 2(b) of Section 28 of the Civil Leave Code — 2 (b). The applicant must (unless the state of his health absolutely prevent it, or if he be an applicant for furlough in India, unless the Government to which he is subordinate otherwise permit) present himself, with two copies of the statement of his case, either at the presidency town of Bombay, before ouc or more medical officers to be appointcd to this duty by the Government of Bombay, or at the seat of the Government under which he is serving before the Medical Board there, or, if there be no such Board, before one or more medical officers to be appointed by that Government, and obtain a certificate as follows: We' (or I) db bereby certify that according to the best of our (or muy) professional judgment, after careful personal examination of the case, we (or I) consider the health of C. D. to be such as to render leave of absence for a period of——absolutely necessary for his recovery. Ö MINT AND CURREncy. The 10th January 1876. No. 146.—The usual leave subsidiary to the furlough granted to him by Governmont General Order of the Military Department, No. 1249, dated 14th Pecember 1875, is granted to Colonel H. Hyde, R.E., Master of the Mint at Calcutta. sGovernment Gazette, 25th January 1876.] ©