পাতা:গ্রাম্য উপাখ্যান - রাজনারায়ণ বসু.pdf/২৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ভূমিকা ১\/

which Risley has recently made such fun in his People of India. At his suggestion Jagadish Nath Roy organised in 1875, the first College Reunion or "Old Boys' Day” of the Hindu College (p. 205). How far Raj Narain was in advance of his time will be shown by the fact that the Presidency College formed its Old Boys' Association only in February 1909!

Before Swadeshi.

“Babu Raj Narayan Bose, a man of the most striking and remarkable personality, and one who realised in his life the nation- alistic aspirations of our country long before they found any definite or articulate expres sion among any considerable body of men He was called in his time 'the grandfather of Indian Nationalism ,' and right well did he deserve that name. He lived at a time when Westen in fluences and Western culture were first mak ing head-way in the country, when their glamour and fascination had laid under its spell all young, ardent, and generous minds, and when the best spirits of the