পাতা:চাঁদের পাহাড়.djvu/১৮৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটিকে বৈধকরণ করা হয়েছে। পাতাটিতে কোনো প্রকার ভুল পেলে তা ঠিক করুন বা জানান।
চাঁদের পাহাড়

nothing more than a species of anthropoid ape, closely related to the gorilla, but much bigger in size and more savage than the specimens found in the Ruwenzori and Virunga Mountains. This species is becoming rarer and rarer every day, and such numbers as do exist are not easily to be got at on account of their shyness and the habit of hiding themselves in the depths of the high-altitude rain forests of the Richtersveldt. It is only the very fortunate traveller who gets glimpses of them, and I should think that in meeting them he runs risks proportionate to his good luck.

 Congratulating you on both your luck and pluck.

I remain,
Yours sincerely
J.G. Fitzgerald