পাতা:চিঠিপত্র (ষষ্ঠ খণ্ড)-রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf/১৯৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

of his results & published them as his own. Fortunately Prof. Bose's position in the world of Science was too well assured for him to touch it, & though he has been able to organise a small party,’ we may regard it as easily discredited if the work can only be continued in an adequate way. The book on Response in Living & Non-Living is now triumphant. I want a far greater work, such as only this Indian man of science is capable of writing, on Molecular Physics, a book in which that same great Indian mind that surveyed all human knowledge in the era of the Upanishads & pronounced it one, shall again survey the vast accumulations of physical phenomena which the 19th Century has observed & collected, & demonstrated to the empirical, machineworshipping, gold-seeking mind of the West that these also are One— appearing as Many. But I recognise that under present conditions one cannot even ask for the beginning of such a work. The petty daily persecution where perfect sympathy & every facility are absolutely necessary : the distracting routine of a paid servant who is never allowed to feel independent of daily bread, the constant difficulties thrown in the way by minor officials who have power enough to impede, but not enough to be raised above jealousy, are these things not enough 2 And then we ask him to undertake great work— but what are we willing to do for him 7 Can we supply him with companions in learning who will stimulate & encourage the arduous work 7 Does it trouble us that he »€ २