পাতা:বাংলা সাময়িক-পত্র (১৮১৮-১৮৬৮).pdf/১৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

প্রথম পরিচ্ছেদ, Stysbr-St- ܗܶ Bengalee, which a due regard for the interosts of his subscriber and his own reputation, require. The claims of this paper, coming as they did week after week, immediately between those of two others, left none of that leisure which the mind of every individual who attempts to write for the public, demanda. The pleasura which the publication of the journal once afforded, has changed into a Revere task, and it appeared most judicious to bring it at once to a olose...(P, 817.) ‘সমাচার দর্পণ’ একখানি উৎকৃষ্ট সমাচারপত্র ছিল। শ্ৰীরামপুর মিশন হাল ছাড়িয়া দিলেও বাঙালীদের চেষ্টায় ইহা অচিরে পুনর্জীবিত হইল। দ্বিতীয় পৰ্য্যায়ের ‘সমাচার দর্পণ” ইংরেজী ও বাংলা—উভয় ভাষায় ১৮৪২ সনের ফেব্রুয়ারি মাসে প্রকাশিত হয় বলিয়া মনে হইতেছে। ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮৪২ তারিখের ‘ফ্রেণ্ড-অব-ইণ্ডিয়া’ পত্রে প্রকাশ :- NATIVES NESwsPAPERs -- We aras happy to perceive that the Sumachar Dынтрит, which the Editor was constrained to discontinue at the close of laat year for want of sufficient leisure to do it justice, has been taken up and continued in Calcutta. Two numbers have already appeared. The first efforts of the Editors necessarily demand indulgence; and they will, we hope, receive it. They exhibit a strong desire to satisfy public expectations, but leave much room for improvement. We trust the spirited proprietors' will not be discouraged by the disappointments inseparable from a novel undertaking...Theirs is the only journal which now appears in both English and Bengalee; and they must not lio on their oars because there is no direct competition... –

  • ‘সমাচার দর্পণে’র প্রচার রহিত হইলে রামগোপাল ঘোষ ও তদীয় বন্ধুবৰ্গ উহা পুনঃপ্রকাশের সঙ্কল্প করিয়াছিলেন। রামগোপাল ১৮৪২ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দের ১০ই জানুয়ারি বন্ধু গোবিন্দচজ বসাককে লিখিয়াছিলেন :-

"The necersity of establishing a paper I had long been convinced of, and I have never failed to agitate the subject on all suitable oceasions, and when I heard of the extinction of the Sarachar Darpa, I have viewed it in the same light as you have done, and after much discussion, we have now come to a satisfactory conclusion. On last Tuesday evening the 7th, Tara Ohand Chuckerbarty, Peary Ohand Miter, myself met at Krishna's Rev. K. M. Banerjea'al, and we resolved upon establishing a monthly magazine in Bengalee and English, and also the Durpan in case the receiption account of the latter will enable ut to employ a competent person versed in English and Bengalee to render the translations of both the papers. This important duty no one seems willing to undertake and unless we can ecure an intelligent young man to devote all his time, which would perhaps cost us Bs, 100, we cannot venture to take up two papers. And in my humble opinion they are both, under present circumstance, equally necessary, The magazine is to keep up a spirit of enquiry amongst the educated natives, to revive their dying institutions such as the Library (Calcutta Public), The Society for A. G. K. (Acquisition of General Knowledge), to arouse them from their lethargio abate, to discuss such subjects as female education, the remarriage of Hindu widows, etc. It is in short to be our peculiar organ. The Durpas on the other hand is for the native community in general, to be easy and simple in its style, not to run into any lengthened discussion of any subject-to avoid abstraoh questions, to be extremely cautious of awakening the prejudices of the orthodox, to give items of news likely to be interesting to the native community, and gradually to extend their information, quickly to purge them of their prejudices, and open their minds to the enlightenment of R