পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (অষ্টম খণ্ড).pdf/৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Σ Ο বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : অষ্টম খন্ড l ১০ l To The Chairman, Human Rights Commission Geneva. Sir, I used to live with my husband Amal Kanti Sarkar at No. 4/B-L, Dacca, Sahajahanpur Rly. Colony, Dacca. Two days back I crossed into tripura border. After 25-3-71 we continued to stay at our Dacca residence. In the very early part of April at about 8/9 A.M. my husband went out and I went to my neighbour Mr. Idris Ali's house. The Pakistani troops looted our house. It was then 10 A.M. my husband did not return. My host Mr. Idris Ali arranged to send me to the Indian border. In June last the Pak troops came in jeeps raided demra area set fire to the houses, killed people by gun fire and took away women and girls of both communities. The people did no more reutrn. The Pak troops drew out blood from young men who were killed in the process. The Pak troops collected girls and kept them confined in a building in Demra. The Pak troops killed 7 persons and burnt houses in Sadarghat area. Sd/- Dipali Rani Sarker 24-7-7| ১১ ৷ TO The Chairman, Human Rights Commission Geneva. Sir, I was a permanent resident of P.O. & village Narsingdi, Dacca. After the bombing of Narsingdi on 28the March, 1971 from Air I crossed into Agartala in India and have been residing in the care of Gouranga Chandra Saha of Nazirpukurpar, Agartala. Entire Narsingdi Bazar have burnt in course of bombing on 28-3-71 and 29th Mrch, 1971 as a result at least 100 people were killed. Following these actions by the Pak Armed forces we moved 5 miles away but had to leave the place for fear of the antisocial elements who were engaged by the Pak troops to perpetrate all sorts of crimes. In course of time we reached Bazidpur from where we had to move again for the same reason. We reached Halajia where also the Pak troops came and killed 5 persons and looted the houses. We hided ourselves in the Jute filed. 35 girls were taken away by the Pakistani troops from