বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (একাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/২১১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

186 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : একাদশ খন্ড clock and then Yahya suddenly left Dacca on the evening of the 25th March 1971 . Towards midnight came hoardes of Yahya's West Pakistani mercenary forces, screaming war crimes and shouting and destroying everything in sight without warning Mujib's house was raided with machine guns and other automatic fire arms and he was arrested . My own house was attacked with machine gun fire and the house broken into . I was lucky to escape. The orgy began. That night in the city at dacca alone many thousands of men, women and children were killed. The genocide, in fact undeclared aggression, unleashed that night followed a preplanned pattern when millions including educationists, philosophers, scientists, doctors, promising youth(our hopes for tomorrow.) laborers, poor bread earners, children in mother's arms, unarmed Bengali Officers and Men of the regular forces were brutally done to death. Women including minor girls were rapped and killed and many forced to walk naked. Places of worship were defiled and destroyed, rural homesteads and promising crops burnt and everything enshrined in the Charter of Human Rights and in the Geneva Convention was destroyed in what is undoubtedly the most brutal and heinous genocide in human history to date. The regime's aim is the extermination of Bengalis as an ethnic entity and the destruction of the intellectual leadership and fighting capability and potentials of the people of Bangladesh to reduce them to serfdom by sheer force of arms. Against this genocide and naked aggression rose the peace -loving but brave people of Bangladesh "whose history" to quote Yahya himself , "is replete with outstanding examples of Supreme sacrifice and deeds of velour in struggles against colonial power to attain freedom and independence" rose to fight his villainous hoardes. In this civilians and service men all stood together to defend our human rights, hearths and the honor of our women , the lives of our intellectuals, youths and young ones. The brave men of The East Bengal Regiment (The Bengal Tigers), those of them who were valiantly led by the ir gallant officers to come out as battalions and survivors from amongst those who had been shot in their sleep or lined up unarmed and shot, to many of whom the people of West Pakistan-more specifically those of Lahore owe the successful defense of their homes in 1965 war, stroke at the enemy on the rampage. The gallant men of the former East Pakistan Rifles (EPR) who could escape the West Pakistan Army's and Mujahids who joined the regular forces whose auxiliary they are. The civil police were attacked during the early hours of 26"March by the enemy Infantry supported by medium tanks. Despite the odds against them, the police stoutly fought the enemy at Rajarbagh police station for nearly 4 hours after which they disengaged and pulled out to reform and join the forces defending the unarmed people of Bangladesh in this undeclared and treacherous aggression against civil population, polices detachments in other parts of Bangladesh who were not surprised , under our gallant and highly parts of riotic officers who quickly reorganized into operational commands which have grown into a well-knit command today and includes soldiers, sailors and airmen. that is why the Bangladesh Forces are called MUKTI BAHINI (Liberation Forces, NOT Army). Besides regulars, fighting in the Bangladesh Forces are very large number of non-regulars, all citizens volunteers (GONO BAHINI ) drawn from different walks of life from highly educated university products and students to industrial workers and farmer boys- all fighting with a unity of purpose : to destroy the occupation forces and defend the human rights of our people and