বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (একাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/২১৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

188 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : একাদশ খন্ড Secondly, those who are killed in action, their next of kin will get an immediate cash grant and in addition the Government will arrange for their accommodation and food for which names have been called from commanders. After the war they will be given a monthly grant. Those disabled are being physically rehabilitated and will also be resettled in society. Let there be NO complacence however about the task ahead. The inhuman, barbarous. Godless enemy has to be eliminated with the utmost speed. In this you allall my countrymen- must re-dedicate yourselves. To those Bengali officers, soldiers, sailors, airmen, workers, students and youth (including those in refugee camp) who have not been abte to actively participate in the liberation war so far, it is my appeal that you come forward now to defend the country and to avenge the rape of our mothers and sisters and the loot of the country's treasured resources. Remember, our war is a crusase as we are fighting for truth and justice. To our countrymen abroad, I would like to express the appreciation and gratitude of the Forces for their dedicated and zealous efforts to rouse the consciousness of the great peoples of the countries they live in, to the magnitude of the heinous crime genocide and denial of sovereign rights of the people of Bangladesh and for their relentless efforts to raise monetary and other support. I appeal to you to make further vigorous efforts to raise much more but pray do not allow funds to be spent without our express advice and above all to remain Solidly united and determined in support of the liberation war. If you do so, we shall win sooner than is normally possible. My respected countrymen, our victory is certain -we are fighting to carry out God's command, in defense of justice and truth , for the sovereign rights of 75 and a half millions of the human race and to uphold the national flag of Bangladesh . And no power on earth can destroy or suppress 75 and a half million people. The call of 75 and a half million brings the Grace of God, His compassion and favor. For victory we must always keep in view three things: ΕΑΙΤΗ- Faith in the law of God - truth and justice have always won. And Faith in the strength of your own arms -there is No obstacle No block which you can not destroy and attain complete victory. You certainly can and you will Firm- to destroy the enemy quickly whatever the cost and defend the Determination sovereign rights of our 75 and a half million people and the independence of Bangladesh. selfless- Selflessness and dedication are essential in this war because we and have to win it overcoming many a handicap — many an Vigorous obstacle. We shall have to make vigorous efforts, individually Efforts and collectively (irrespective of your personal likes or political beliefs.) night and day, to plan, prepare and strike and destroy