পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/১২৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

96 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড It was inevitable that the disaffection should reach an eruptive stage. There is no point here in detailing the facts attending the emergence of a political movement seeking self-rule for East Pakistan's. All that need be said is that the Central Government at Islamabad finally disagree to submit self-rule propositions to the East Pakistan electorate. The result of the General Elections was all overwhelming vote in favor of self-ride. The Central Government at Islamabad not only failed to respect this popular decision, but ordered in armed troops to forestall implementation. The official slaughter began on March 26th. (1), Tanks and soldiers with sub-machine guns and grenades seized Dacca University early in the morning on March 26. All students residing in Iqbal Hall. The dormitory centre, were put to death. The building was gutted by shells from tanks. (2) One hundred and three Hindu students residing in Jagannath Hall of Dacca University were shot to death. Six Hindu students were forced at gunpoint to dig graves for the others and then were shot themselves. (3) Professor G.C. Dev. widely respected Head of the Department of Philosophy was marched out of his home to an adjacent field and shot. (4) The last names of other faculty members who were killed or seriously wounded: Muniruzzaman, Guhathakurta, Munim, Naqwee, Huda, Innas Ali. (5) Central Government troops forces their way into flat D of building 34 at the University, seized professor Muniruzzaman, his son, his brother (employed by the East Pakistan High Court) and his nephew and marched the group to the first-floor foyer, where they were machine gunned. (6) A machine gun was installed on the roof of the terminal building at Sadarghat the dock area of old Dacca. On March 28, all civilians within range were fired upon. After the massacre, the bodies were dragged into buses. Some were burned. Some were dumped into the Buriganga river, adjacent to the terminal. (7) On the morning of March 28, machine guns were placed at opposite ends of Shankhari Bazaar, a, Hindu artisan centre in old Dacca. Central Government forces suddenly opened fire on civilians trapped in the bazaar. The corpses were streun on the street (8) On the evening of March 28, soldiers inveded Rainna Kalibari, an ancient small Hindu settlement, killing all the occupants (estimated at 200). On March 29, about one hundred corpses were put on display in the village. (9) The fight of civilians from Dacca was blocked at gunpoint. (10).On the morning of April 2, forty soldiers entered a village named Badda rounded up the male population (approximately 600) and marched them at gunpoint to Gulshan Park, where they were interrogated. Ten members of the group were then taken off, their fate is unknown.