পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/৫৫৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

521 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড made by no more than one company (120 men). Clare Hollingworth reports that yesterday the Indians began heavy shelling of a Pakistani artillery position near Rangpur. The gunners were discouraged from returned the fire. A senior officer said that in this sector it would be impossible to launch a small counter-attack without crossing the Indian frontier, and he had strict orders not to do so, writes Clare Hollingworth. Correspondents of the Times and the Daily Telegraph were with a party of foreign correspondents who were taken on an officially sanctioned visit to the IndoPakistan front, on the Indian side near Bangaon. There was little sign of conflict apart from a few bursts of machine-gun fire. Peter Gill in the Daily Telegraph reports that Pakistani troops were not to be seem and a Bangladesh flag flew on the customs post on the other side of the border. A delayed dispatch appears in the Times this morning from A. B. Musa of the Asian News Service, who has been with the Mukti Bahini guerrillas at Satkhira in the Khulna district. Musa reports that two platoons of the Mukti Bahini had succeeded in crossing the Ichamati river and had forced a company of Pakistani troops to retreat. Musa says that some of the guerrillas were boys of only 12 years. Further eye witness accounts of guerrilla activities inside East Pakistan was provided by a film which was shown on BBC television last night. The film was taken by an American reporter, and it showed guerrillas in entrenched positions opposite the Pakistani lines. They were said to be short of arms and equipment and were operating to a large extent with captured guns, ammunition and motor vessels. A full civilian administration was said to be operating behind the guerrilla lines. \రిశ్రీ | ASIAN TOPICAL TALKS DESPATCH FROM AHMED NAJIMUDDIN IN DACCA 6th December 1971 Edited by William Crawley (S) After a day's air battles and dog fights 011 Dacca airfield, 110 further attack on this airport has been reported from yesterday afternoon till this morning. Late last night, at 0230 Local Time, the Indian air force made an attack on Dacca City. I heard a sound of bombing from the suburbs of Dacca City but there have been no reports of damage. Also Meanwhile a Pakistan army source said that the Indians had enlarged 'battle fronts at Akhaura in Comilla District and Kamalpur in Mymensingh District and also in Dinajpur in northern sector. The source claimed that the attacks had been blunted by Pakistani troops. Dacca, Narayanganj and East Pakistan's port town, Chittagong have been placed under dusk to dawn curlew and a complete black-out is being observed for an indefinite period. All means of communication with Dacca and the outlying areas have been completely disrupted and normal life has been suspended. Shops, commercial organizations, banks and other offices remained closed, due to the Indian air and ground attack Dacca television centre last night showed newsreel of the Indian attack on Dacca