পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৮৮৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

brど)○ বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড international importance. If you do not want to exercise restraint, I can only say that this is not in our overall national interest. I am fully convinced of that. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: You do not admit any change in the circumstances after President Yahya Khan's broadcast? SHRI SWARAN SINGH: I will give my comments upon President Yahya Khan's statement and will also touch upon other aspects. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Why should he sermonize? SHRI SWARAN SINGH: I am not sermonizing but, if I may ask in all humility and earnestness, why is he asking me to do or not to do a particular thing? I do not want to sermonize; this is not my way. But I would like hon. Members to think seriously that the type of consensus that we have been trying to build on an issue like this for realizing our national objective should not be spoiled by indulging in this type of an attitude which does not at all help the cause for the realization of which all of us should be united. If you use this type of an argument and try to start with calling upon me to do or not to do a thing of that nature, I am sure that you are logging the concentrated attention which all of us devote for realizing that objective and we are unnecessarily wasting our energy on something which to my mind is peripheral. The main objective which we have set before us is contained in our Resolution which we all unanimously adopted, in which we said that we support and have every sympathy for the cause of freedom in which the people of Bangladesh are engaged. We are also unanimously pledged to support that cause. As to what should be done in pursuance of that Resolution, is a matter about which there can be a difference of opinion. But we should try to resolve that and should try to concentrate our attention for realizing that objective, rather than on insisting that a particular step at a particular stage is the only way to resolve that problem. This is the crux of the entire matter. Coming to the statement that President Yahya Khan has made, to a certain extended had already touched upon certain features which I suspected might be contained in the statement that was expected to be mud by President Yahya Khan. But I must say clearly that the statement that President Yahya Khan has made has created a situation where this action of President Yahya Khan alone will be mainly responsible for strengthening the resolve of the people of Bangladesh to carry on their determined struggle for their freedom and for getting rid of the military strangle-hold which the military regime of Pakistan had been trying to perpetuate. PROF. S. L. SAKSENA. Without your help? SHRI SWARAN SINGH: If you examine that statement, the conclusion is irresistible that for all times to come he has negative any chance of reversion to the democratic way of life. Instead of the elected members of the Pakistan National Assembly being entrusted with the task of framing the Constitution, some experts will frame the Constitution. There are also several other highly obnoxious features in that statement which clearly show that a determined bid has been made by the military regime to perpetuate their own hold and