পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৩৫৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

6श्लम-ब्रान् । VSS = Theatre, I mean we have not as yet got a body of sound, classical Dramas to regulate the national taste, and therefore we ought not to have Farces. I don't know if you have seen "Sarmistha' or if you have what you think of it. There is another Drama of mine which will be soon acted by a company of amateurs. It is also written on the classical model As soon as it is out of the Printer's hands, I shall send you a copy and you must let me know what you think of it. If I am spared, I intend to write 3 or 4 more plays of the classical kind, just to give our countrymen a taste for that species of the drama, and then take up historical and other subjects. The subject you propose for a national epic is good-very good indeed. But I don't think' I have as yet acquired a di Pivrš + বঙ্গদেশীয় রাজকুমার বিজয়সিংহ কর্তৃক সিংহলবিজয়-বৃত্তান্ত অবলম্বনে একখানি কাব্য লিখিবার জন্য রাজনারায়ণ বাবু মধুসুদনকে অনুরোধ করিয়াছিলেন এবং কিরূপ ভাবে গ্ৰন্থখানি রচিত হইবে, তাহার একটী সংক্ষিপ্ত আদর্শ প্ৰস্তুত করিয়াছিলেন। সিংহলবিজয়-বৃত্তান্তটী যে বাস্তবিকই কাব্যোপযোগী, ডাক্তার রাজেন্দ্ৰলাল মিত্ৰ মহাশয়কে লিখিত রাজনারায়ণ বাবুর পত্রের নিয়োন্ধত অংশ হইতে তাহা প্রমাণিত হইবে। The conquest of Ceylon by the Bengali prince Vijaya and his companions, is, I think, a nice subject for an Epic peom to be called the "Singhala-vijaya Kavya' and to be written in an easier style than "Tilottama." The expulsion of Vijaya by his father, Singha, vahu, the Raja of Lala, in Bengal, from his dominions, Vijay's pathetic leave-taking of his mother Singhavalli and other, near relations and of Singhapura, the capital of his father's Kingdom, his embarking with 7oo followers, who, as well as their leader, take their wives with them in a separate vessel, Vijay's voyage,