পাতা:সদগুণ ও বীর্য্যের ইতিহাস.djvu/২৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 26 J berty,’roke pyriding judge Gascoigne, mild: ly remitided him of the respect due to the ancient laws of the realm, and advised him fo'apply to his father the king for a pardox $mée he alone had the power of granting it. The prince unappeased by this just answer, turned towards his servant and attempted to take him by force out of the hands of the E cers; upon which the judge commanded him!” leave the court. Henry was roused to a fury, and rushed to the judgment seat, with the or tention of assaulting the judge; but he sitting unmoved, and regarding him with a stern countenance thus addressed him ; “Sir, reopember your own dignity, I here hold the place of your father. In his name, therefore, I commandyouto desist from this unlawful ene terprize, and henceforth netto setsuch an example before those who will hereafter beyour subjects. For the contempt of the court and disobedience of the laws which you have skewn, ligommit you to prison, where you are to re