পাতা:সদগুণ ও বীর্য্যের ইতিহাস.djvu/৪১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

s 38 3 toxicated, and made to dance till his strength was exhausted, was thrown into the fire. & * Some time after, one of the Dutch factory killed a Hottentot, upon which the chief men of the tribe came and demanded the death the offender, but as he was the ablest نمو accountant in the whole factory, the Dutch were anxious to save him. They therefore contrived this expedient. Having appointed a day forhis execution, they ereçted a scafold and set him upon it. Soon after, the executioner presented him with a glass of brandy - set on fire. The criminal received the potion with much pretended reluctance, with his ും shaking, and his limbs trembling. At last he swallowed the draft, and instantly pretended to fall down dead, on which the Dutch speedily covered him with a blanket, and removed in. The Hottentots seeing this, 59 up a great shout and exclaimed, the Dutcrare more just than we...We only put our criminal into the fire, but they have put