পাতা:স্বাস্থ্য-বিজ্ঞান - সুন্দরীমোহন দাস.djvu/২৩৭

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প্রশ্নাবলী । ܘ ܘܓ Gk 5. What is meant by the "limit of respiration impurity’ 2 How would you examine the quality of the air 2 Mi. B. (Ex.--Dr. SIMPsoN, ) 1. What is the composition of cow's milk What changes does the milk undergo when exposed to the air : What are the poisonous effects of 'blue milk' and to what is the blue colour and deleterious properties due Describe the common method of judging of the quality of milk without a chemical analysis. 2. A case of cholera has been imported into a house; to what sanitary arrangements in and arould the house should special attention be directed, and what sanitary precautions should be taken to preveut an outbreak 3. Give the names of some of the common disinfectants, describing their properties and the methods of using them which might be employed for the disinfection of (a ). Cess pools and privy vaults. (b) Cellars and stables. ( c. ) Rooms. (d) Utensils. (e) Bed, bedding curtains and clothes. 4. Explain in detail why it is necessary to change the air of an inhabited room 5. Give an ordinary classification of soils. Which are considered to be most healthy ? What diseases are attributed to a damp soil 6. Describe an Artesian well. In what way does it differ from other wells 2 I888. SECOND L. M. S. EXAMINATION. (Ex.-DR. SIMPsoN.) 1. What circumstances favour the spread of Enteric Fever ? 2. How would you stamp out a local outbreak of small-pox 3. In vaccinating a child, what things are to be specially alluded to as regards (1) State of the child ? (2) Selection of the lymph (3) 1nsertion of the lymph What are the characteristics of a true vaccine vesicle 2