বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:রাজা প্রতাপাদিত্যচরিত্র.djvu/৩৭৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ ৩৭৯ ] went and drowned themselves according to his directions before he left. The Rajah immediately returned to the Emperor, and told him of his misfortune, on which the Emperor gave him a swift horse, that he might ride at once to Issureepoor and so prevent the total extermination of his family. He however arrived too late; all was over; his family were no more; when he shared their fate, and drowned himself also. Thus perished the Rajah, Pentab Audit. A pestilence shortly after broke out at Goomghur. Thousands perished in it ; Goomghur became depopulated, and is now the abode of tigers and other wild animals. A few of the edifices remain to this day, especially Tengah Musjid. 15o feet long, with five domes. The Fort and Black Hole, with some other brick buildings, and an old ruin of a gate leading into the temple facing the South, which is shown as the original entrance, previous to the goddess changing it to the West, which is its present entrance. - The Pergunnah is intersected with khals, and there is a passage for small boats from the Kudumtalle, about 14 miles East of Jessore market, through Atteah and Noubookee khals communicating with the Culpatooah River to the Eastward." The produce of the Pergunnah is paddy. It contains Io hulkas and 13 villages, comprising an area of 6.19 square miles, and a population of 122 to the square mile and 4.1o per house. It has two hulkas outlying in Pergunnah Noornuggur, and contains one hulka of Pergunnah Tallah.