বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • ' Pup. How is the ice formed?

Tot. By an extraordinary degree of cold, which congeals the water into a firm substance: Pup. Of what use is frost ? Tut. Frost is of great use; it clears the atmosphere, it braces and strengthens the human frame, meisows the clay ground, and fertilizes it, destroys hurtful insects, and serves other useful purposes. Pup. What is snow; and of what use? Tut. It is nothing but water in another form ; white and light, and fails in the most beautiful figures, which any person may see who will but view the flakes of snow attentively. As to its use. it preserves the corn from being chilled by the frost, and binders the frost from penetrating too deep into the earth. For its colour and its use, it is therefore sity compared to wool. Pup. What are hailstones ? Tut. Drops of rain congealed by a certain degree of cold. Pnp. What is the difierence between snow and hail ? Tut. Sow results from a frozen cloud before the i smal particles of water have run into drops; and hail proceeds from drops of rain that are frozen in their descent. -- Pup. Of what use are mists and dews 2 Tut. They refresh and invigorate weak and withering plants, in time of drought. Pup. How do they arise?' | Tut. They are vapours rising from the earth konased by colder air, and thas become visible. * * *