বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৫৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ঐচ্ছি ofoss thus much, thus far. ofo", thus, by this means. otzato, simply this, merely this. 。t g«, so many, so much. aan, here, in this place. of, ago, fuel, fire-wood. afo, increased, augmented. zIr, sin, guilt. এপ্রযুক্ত, therefore, because. so, and, also, likewise. sosos, such like, of this sort. sargs, this time, this once. sta, now, at this time. *T*, *s-, thus, this manner. o, straw ; chalk. osts, the castor-oil tree. of, thus, this form. asil, asiff5, cardamom. &T, loose, random, confused. sofol, a pair of scales. AC&#3 on this account, hence. કે à, that, yon, yonder. àsarzy, confederacy, sameness. ঐকাগJ, consistency, determination of the mind to an object. offsz., complete, exclusive. ঐকাহিক, born every other day; ephemeral. ঐক্য, unity, amity, aggregate. ঐক্ষুর molasses, sugar. afogo, voluntary, wilful. 47 ওবা afso), traditional knowledge. à en gifēras, magical. ঐন্দ্রিরক, evident to the senses. fl: o, in that manner, thus. ##Izz, Indra's elephant; huge. afā, an enemy, adversary. &cg, spirituous liquor. *13, divine, relating to God. Řazű, grandeur, state, glory. §fog, pertaining to this world. @ I so, and, too, also ; he, that. 33sso, a pillow-case. 3, a sacred syllable for the Hindu trinity—Vishnu, Shiva Bruhnna. §3, the growl of a bull. g5#1, sweepings, rubbish, trash. 35ta, raising the hand to strike. §zi, refuse, rejected, vile. 35, house, place, haunt. 3-sco, there, in that place. 35sol, act of vomiting. gossi, a respectful vocative. 8x1, multitude; velocity of a stream. gzgig, the syllable è or the character to express the Hindu trinity. 35izi, vitality, light, strength. §5?? - 375, the odd numbers. $41, a snake-catcher,charmer who pretends to cast out evil spirits. and