বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

च,ि o 29 wo, scorterms, not suffering elision, not emissible. wo, strosis, potatoe or other tuberous root. wati, sasi, loose, unconnected. wors, fossrs, small, few, little; a little. wrotarot, oraswt, a very few, a few. অপিষ্ঠ, অলপীয়সূ-অতিক্ষুদ্র, very small or few, minute, fewest. অলীকৃত, অলপৗদ্ধত,—নুrনীকৃত, হুম্বিত, diminished, reduced, lessened, become few. writs, stwo, wows, by little and little, gradually. worn, catwa, to eat; a meal, boiled rice. wors, or, cstacas, hunger, appetite. volfr, III. ztu, a thunderbolt. অশাস্ত্র-ক, বেদৰিকg. unlawful, illegal, irregular, inconsistent. wwIsré, =țytrací afà, an emerald. verra, csist, red chalk, red ochre. জন্মস্থ sponi,–off Tțe, EUA, a stone. srus, Eun, sara, a portable hearth or fire-place. ww.stm, organ, pestle and mortar. wo, oftoft, the stone or gravel. অভ্ৰ, অশ্রু,—নেত্রায়ু, a tear. scorner, angle. «fet, szȚg warstst, tg, crta, edge or point of a sword, чијta, fis, eitge, vulgar, low, coarse (of language). wrots, “Rhets, offs, discord, dislike, separation, misun derstanding. चश्व, cधाछेक, cदाज़, a horse. woosa, ess, a mule, a swift elephant. wwwn, ownfa, the neighing of a horse. [ing a horse. vrita, strta frafira sifi, a day’s journey for a horse; hav<rgs, ès", medicine. অষ্টময়সিদ্ধি, sitwist, erfgetoss, completeness, perfection. wêrx, sèrra, the eight members; having the eight re quisites. ভাইৰেক্ৰ, অতিৰক্ৰ, কুরুপ, deformed, bent in eight directions. wife, sist,--sifs, the stone of a fruit. [all over. ,সৰুজ দিগে, সৰ্বাঙ্গে, on eight sides, on every part לשיאcהי জীমিকা, অীল,-কোঠৰদ্বু, costiveness, constipation.