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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

sesKf 13| «tsar, wst, *«syre, a debtor, borrower. stsä, ärvi, promissory (note.) wfi«e, xf, ***, srsi, a plot of ground, account book, multitude, assembly. wwa, wrota, to eat, devour, consume, corrode. unờt, tồa", a truncheon, short piece of wood. sts, si, a place, situation, individual thing, piece. , sign, oré, witH, a ravine, pit, pool; food, a meal. , of roots, a sheath, scabbard. [potsherd. খাপরা, খারা—গৃহাছাদলের ইংৰ, ঘটারি খণ্ড, a tile, pantile, খাৰল-t, মুঠা, গ্রাস, a handful, mouthful. sts, wrot, ww, §t, a pillar, a post, a stake. eriarfR, vfnfasfæTtar, a threshing-floor. খারা, সরল, হওঁীবিশেষ, কাপাসকোষ, upright, honest, just, payable at sight; a cotton-pod. etw, wint, oftfo, a creek, inlet, bay. *Twist, was frostagro, a place where salt is manufactured. stiw, saat, ser, sits, bad, evil, inferior. ervt, æxárst, F^ fæs fyy badness, the bad or inferior part of a thing. fft, è sigst, zġeffHtm, a fox. fusa,—sto, Motorw, aroya, reforn, to gain, mouth, make faces, dispute about trifles, to scold, to fret, to be pettish. foss, wo, sîs, sextor, dirt; vulgar, scurrilous, obscene. fosfs, suffsts sorts, a mixture of rice, pulse and spices. fossitat, foot, its out, osts, vulgar, low, scurrilous, obscene, ungrammatical. fois, nést, *nw, rust, scurf, scaliness. fost, fusest,-nētkat, rusty. [scold. খিটখিটান, খেকান, agoto, to fret, complain, be querulous, fossést, fossfont, roastfägi, fretful, peevish, querulous, murmuring, dissatisfied. forset, arrost, eeuts, a window, a back or private door. fonts, ofts, offs, distressed, sorrowful, grieving, re gretting, in pain, в 2 - - oogle s ལྕགས་