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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কেজি - 119 কোটি, কোটা,—এক শত লক্ষ, অস্থাগু. প্রতিজ্ঞা, মিয়ম, পূর্বপক্ষ, acrore or 10,000,000; the point of a sword, the end of a bow, a wager, promise, engagement, assertion. proposition. sever. ratfort, ontorsosca, fires, to a crore of Calpas, i. e. for কোট, কোট,—দুর্গ, a fort, fortress, tower. zşfèré otet" srp, half a crore or five milions. কোটুদ্ধার, প্রতিজ্ঞাপালন, পক্ষব্যাখ্যা, সিদ্ধান্ত, the fulfilment of a promise, solution of a proposition. rostě, so, so, leprosy, the squares on a chess-board. two, off, an apartment, a room. ratăț, or, a factory, manufactory, bank, counting-house. zorow, faws, rows, row, to perforate, bore, dig. zarși, gri, a scourge, a whip. [elbow. কোণ, রেখাদ্বয়ের সৰিস্থান, জাড়, কনুই, a corner, angle, the কোণটানা, আড়েটানা, কোণাকোণরেখা, a diagonal line. rotat, rota, an angle, a corner. [corner. rstatrasfa, strys, diagonally, transversely, from corner to কোণী, কোণাকৃতি, কুম্প, angular, having a crooked 3lΓΙΩ. কো-য়, কোনখানে, কুত্ৰাপি, where ? whither ? anywhere, কোন, কে, কি, কেহ, কিছু, who 2 which what? any, some. zastol, vrt«, atst, wrath, rage, fury, anger, passion. voters, striots, angrily, through passion. e TTT-far, (Fr«w, Tist", z-FfRtfr5, to be angry, to rage; passionate, angry, wrathful, furious. rototo, cotta, storts, footn, to incense, irritate, provoke, anger, enrage. [lent, wrathful. rotoro, rotest,-gtsform, rottisors, passionate, angry, viruzotow, offs's, wise, learned. [flexible, delicate. roton, Ho, sofra, won, mild, gentle, affable, tender, soft, vwqas, zsffas!, a flower-bud. [grate. zerga.-wța, sors șra, gga, Étsa, to scratch, rasp, scrape, কোল, ক্রোড়, নির্বাতস্থান, করতল, দিক, ভেলক, শুকর, the bosom, an embrace, a haven, harbour, the palm of the hand, concave side of a leaf, &c. a point of the compass, a raft, a hog. ogle