বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

时亦扮 - 3.19 sifrs, ortwigsfar&, v, hoary, grey-headed, gray-haired, wrinkled, old. •rossi, affol, off, the wick of a candle or lamp. •otrol, eforests, a silk worm, a chrysalis. •rsts, wow, erow, row, to decay, to rot, to be impaired, to suffer injury. - •rsiforgi. tos, wool, *ist, injured, decayed, impaired, rotten. •row, onrara on, a body of troops, a regiment. পল্পৰ, অঙ্কুর, পত্রযুক্ত শাখ, ভাঙ্গ, a sprout, shoot, leafy twig, a branch. - [trifles, carping. •wroto, o twistoro, catching at straws, objecting at পঙ্গৰিত, পঙ্গৰঘুক্ত covered with young shoots. •ish, own, stars as wo, twist, a district, canton, ham let, a lizard. o erstatw, wstą fou rrifswrw, a village, a country village. onħatst, «f>è, istã, rustic; a countryman, a rustic. •row, on moto, a small artificial pond. •r-rw, ezarra, Isa, wtora, to enter, to fit into. পশু, শৃঙ্গলাঙ্গুলৰন্ত প্রাণী, ছাগলাদি, উপদেবতা, an animal, any livnig being, a beast, a goat, a sacrificial victim, a subordinate deity. •rsei, otouts, the nature or condition of a beast. পশ্চাৎ, পশ্চাত্তে,–পিছে, পরে, জলস্তর, পশ্চিমে, behind, after, last, afterwards, subsequently, westward. er-state, r(sfătu era v-tiv și, after-regret, repentance, Tem OTSE. [lowing; a follower. •r-orso, woot, so, situated or remaining behind, fol •r-sistral, srerosos, su, after-thought, reflexion. off-sw, sgn, fortug, the west, western; after, behind. erfasst, erštět, Krsvorfst, the western quarter, tetanus or locked jaw. •ifesatos, erúšifos, facing or looking to the west. vizir, forg Trots, ratul, a basket of vegetables, &c. laid out for sale. «tичі, সুঙ্গ বৃ", a slight shower. -sts, Ät, sow, agrocer, druggist, petty shopkeeper. --- gle