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কেহ 117. is, rigs, *s, *tacks, fixed, appointed, made, deno minated, called. zas. təsai,—t«razərrəs, who? what person ? ro, rotatorso, too, any one, some one. কেকা, ময়রধনি, a peacock's note. wfs«, rasrazartzwal, (plural, some persons. rosaw, orga, argota, to buy, to employ another to buy. vaersw, vw, fs*, favaa, frxfa, *®), a flag, banner, sign, in vitation, house, abode, place, duty. - কেন্তু খঙ্গ, ধূমকেতু, নৰমগুহ, a banner, flag, comet, falling star, descending node, the 9th planet. vows?, room, a field. zos, fis fairs, so stas, why? wherefore ? কেননা, কারণ, যেহেতু, for, because. z+z=1, afā, SH, first5, simple, mere, alone; only, abso lutely, certainly. row, foerzog, foot, how? in what way ? what sort of? reas, srs, a metal ornament for the small of the arm. z=gain, afÈșt. Èsèl, a small oar, a paddle. zostol, otol. rent, hire. zotto, starstow, to strip off bark, to shell, to peel fruit, to skin an animal. ræfn, fIRTH, FFF, play, sport, diversion. corrist, staff, rice-gruel, sour rice water. কেশ, চুল, অশ্বম্বাড়লোম, the hair of the head, a lock of hair, a horse's mane. zzera, eerstartgrs, fag, hairy, shaggy; (epithet of Vishnu.) zo-start, to Hofs, zotor, a tress or fillet of hair. কেশমার্ক্সনী, চিরুণী, a hair-comb. কেশর, পদ্মাদির সূক্ষ্ম সূত্র, পক্ষ, কুঙ্কম, the filaments of a flower, saffrom. [a hair. rofit, rogo, shes, so, having a mane; a lion, a horse; zo-soft, vigotsrootstra, a mutual pulling of the hair and fighting, a squabble, brawl. room, erotozotos, hairy, shaggy. to, too, rotatorso, some one, any one. -ാറ്റി