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উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

100 কাঠ ztstrat, sstatữ, èoirns, a sycophant, a satellite. wross, sats, town, fotoxs, to overtake, gain upon. approach. - 1 [tice. ststà, araxts, fastorts, a magistrate's office, court of juszifgn, ssol, yně, a tortoise, water-turtle. . . কাছা, রক্ষু, কচড়া, a rope, cable, string. . • *tre, fro, astro, near, at, towards, in the vicinity. assa, fool, **s, work, labour, duty. வ: *țæn, sesta, a collyrium, stibium, eye-paint. assoori, orot facts, osans, a species of parrot, a wedge. wiss, 134.4% gold; the mountain ebony, the thorn-apple. *to, west, a woman's zone or girdle. . - zerfez, stest,—ns, olarsa staifa, rice-gruel, sourrice-water. কাটন, ছেদন, চিরণ, কৰ্ত্তন, খনন, খণ্ডন, যাপন, to cut, tear, gnaw, hew, prune, dig, deduct from wages or an account, thwart, make void, refute, erase, spend time, spin cotton-thread. FfSTl, Refráta, cotton-spinning. [of a spinner. कीछेमी, সূতনিৰ্ম্মাণ *ifol, a female spinner, spinster; wages কাটনীয়, সুতমিৰ্ম্মাণ stoo, co, a spinner, cutter, hewer. wièio, síðīā,-oats nsis, wages paid for spinning. sfērg fB, aktaf, afstæ, sorgtā, mutual slaughter; mur derous, bloody. কাটান, কালযাপন, আটকান, as a vitt, to pass or spend time, impede, frustrate, cause to be cut, &c. the channel of a river. কাটার, ছোরা, ষমধার, a dagger. ssièrāt, Asifa, Ri, ffā, a cleaver, a bill-hook. *sūt, oss, se, oral, a chip, bit of wood, splinter. six, win, Wiś, wood, timber. stol, rol, cost, a cow-trough, a bailing vessel. story, osso, a rice mortar. xăsrşi, ca și, sraţfîrşi, id: an inclosure, a stockade. zsiol, *s-stfol,-oto, a mushroom, fungus. *footá, foxa, a coarse salt. wiècasts, of, a straining or retching ineffectually. -- ogle