বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

324 পাণ্ডুৰু পাগুর, ফিৰা, পিঙ্গল, রক্ত খঞ্জী, ফুল বিশেষ, wan, pale or yellowish white: red chalk, a species of jasmine. •its, owiń, the proprietary priest of an idol. •tifs'ss, fort, learning, scholarship, wisdom. পাণ্ডু, পাণ্ডুর,—ফিক, শুক্লবৰ্ণ নেৰা,বৃক্ষ বিশেষ, pale, wan, whitish; the jaundice, a certain plant. পাণ্ডুলিপি, থমৃঙ্গ, a rough sketch, a waste book. পাণ্ডুলেখ্য, খসড়া লেখ, to be sketched or written in rough. •its, so Kerzz, vo, fes*, TS, FTR, a fall, a leaf, note, writing, bill, draft, a bank-note; thin. পাতক, পাপ, অম্ব, অপরাধ, sin, guilt, crimeoffsät, wità, whetat?, sinful, criminal, guilty. •rsfiegl, gottsios’s fastst, a palliass, a thin mattress. witsota, Ross facts, one of the six schools of philosophy. •rtsyt, throws; so, soil, a dole, a ration of food, a waste-book. - [a mat. ortsa, suatwois, fasta, to lay or fling down, to spread as পাত্তম, আরক্ত, ভূমিকা, কম্পনা, থলুড়, বাম্বকী, abeginning, preface, preamble, plan, design, rough sketch, muster, specimen. [luted. পাতজ-1, সুজ, ক্ষীণ, তরঙ্গ, thin, fine, lean, slender, light, di •rts, vis, on, the leaf of a plant, blade of grass or a knife. off Stett, Larettell, web-footed. •rsin, was forts, wisitors, so, so, hell, the infernal regions, a hole, chasm, a calcinatory for metals. •rstorso, warsh, out, a fountain or spring. •tifs, o, owl, little, diminutive, petty. •rtfo, so, foots, spread out, extended as a mat, &c. •Ifsaf, otoi, a fallen or depraved condition. •lfsa’ss, row, orass, devotedness to a husband, chastity. •rifsons, warratfoeta Ho, a wreath or crowa worn by a - bride on the day of marriage. পাতিশিয়াজ, খেকশিয়াজ, খিখি, উদ্ধামুখী, a fox. otifsắt", "FR son, the common duck. •rtè, •ra, fìfet, wi«r, a letter, note, epistle, writing. •ाङ्क, स्७, क्लाज, बृश्° यबछड दिटलय, °उमनीज,a precipice, decli - ogle