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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

438 • ৰাজ্য fxg4, staw, wizin, gladness, joy, pleasure, delight, frons, Ross, "ifornwa", to smile, laugh gently, laugh at. fixi, fratz, *fasy, a marriage, a wedding, nuptials. fwrw, Estu, fagn, ziren, perplexed, bewildered, confus- ed, confounded. [torted. fortfors, oto, e-ass, ra, forwyl, a gift, donation, given, exforts, eitzi'ot, eross, ruts, the morning, the dawn, early. rwiya, wroto, whils, or, the sky, the atmosphere. furts, oxylfo, stat, on", refit, film, a walk for pleasure t or exercise, a tour, trip, ramble, a roaming. -- play, pastime, sport. fotos, footăl,—rootfagi, storsfit, ventorol, taking exercise, walking or riding for pleasure, playing, sporting, moving freely. [dicule. foota, its star, foot, a smile, gentle laugh, laughter, rifăsts, EfB's, "tirgtā, fit, proper, right, orderly, necessary. fatts, offs, berest, destitute or deprived of, without. স্থূিল, ক্ষুদ্ধ, ব্যাকুর, ব্যস্ত, ভয়াপন্ন, agitated, troubled, disturbed, alarmed. [survey. *s, tworx, sarotton, to see, perceive, behold, view, ৰীচ, আঠি, চার, মূলকারণ, a seed, plant, source, origin. stsson, stsrş, stsifş,– šintšiki, a seed-plot, seed-bed. #RErfin, ornfm, SstIGI, NTH, straw, stubble. #fs, zgow, toR, a wave, a ripple. [cause. H#, F#, Fr=1, Is, stsætz", a seed, origin, source, ৰীজ, মুলকারণ, হেতু, দান, শস্য, আঠি, অঙ্কুর, শুক্র, অন্তবিদ্যা, ঔষ্কার, a cause, origin, spring, source, principle, seed, kernel, fruit-stone, sprout, semen, algebraic analysis, the mystical 8. fasiwi, at sari, –ñtTrắrki, a seed-plot, seed-bed. traorsos, owfoot, arithmetic, mensuration and algebra. #wa, sits gots, wrota was, to fan, to agitate the air. áiwotgg, şüì,–&fìogg, a progenitor, aborigines. fiuto, toia, too, sassis on wo, a seed-sprout, shoot, seed_ - lobe or cotyledon. [from a family. *w, orators, ow, ess, produced from seed, sprung --- al