বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

601 • אזפה. সন্নিৰেশ, সামাপ্য, গ্রাম অথবা বাটীর নিকট গমনাদি স্থান, vicinity, neighbourhood, an open space or plain near a town or dwelling. [adjacent. *fasts, froads, erors, near, neighbouring, close at hand, সন্ন্যাস, চতুর্থাশ্রম, তপস্যা, ঔদাস্যম্ভাৰ, ভিক্ষুকধৰ্ম্ম, monachism, ascetism, abandonment of the duties of active life for one of voluntary penance or mortification. সন্ন্যাসী, চতুর্থাশ্ৰমী, for, néï, one who has renounced the world for a monastic life, a religious mendicant, a monk, an ascetic. [winged. ***, *H*, **sts, of the same side or party, partial, *Sl, "THz, et setts, aid, help, assistance, partiality. Rott, effsA sz ist, a co-wife, one of several wives. netālets, ofsz starstwis, the son of a co-wife, a half-son. sofaro, starrow, wrotosis siso, having a family; with all his family. stoffo, so wo, wis, instantly, in a moment, quickly. সপিগু, সপ্তম পুরুষপর্যন্ত জ্ঞাতি,পিণ্ডভার্গীa kinsman to the 7th generation in descent from a common ancestor, having a right to partake of the funeral cake. stes, Ren,–Rf5, Rf5fso, seven, the seventh. সগুতি, সত্তর স°খ্যt, seventy. RSF-, HTSF H'ERs, seventeen, the seventeenth. [fold. >Testi, Fitz etættạ, rits Efror, in seven ways or parts, sevensteeiàstow, flattoo tors of aton, a ceremony in which a bride, followed by the bridegroom, walks over seven steps marked with chalk, &c. on the floor of the husband's house. {night. stoit, stafso fost, the seventh day of each lunar fortসপ্তর্ষি, মরচি প্রভৃতি সাত মুনি, সপ্ততার বিশেষ, a class of seven Rishis or saints, forming the constellation of Ursa major or the great Bear. সওiসু, সপ্তকোণ, strözotal, a heptagon; heptagonal, seven cornered, septangular. zreorg, sisarz–sits fra, a week, seven days. [athentic. siarxta, It'sso, wros, esq., proved, established, evident, true, 4 G --olc