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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

*fium 143 भीम, कड़ीज़,-*टुंत्र, অতসম্পর্শ, deep, profound. RI, «tari, srá, fr, «a, a ravine, defile, hole, pit, deep valley, cave, cavern, grotto, arbour, bower, thicket. शंi, "FtI, strN, TTTGTst, the body, a surface. Tito, sings, a singer, one eminent in singing. গাঈ, গরু, গাৰী, a cow. - stien strarogs, to sing, to calk a boat. streat, strorog rosa, the wages of a singer; a calking. •rs', oral, wa, the Ganges, a river in general. of . , Sisw, a village, a hamlet. [bale, package. sitts, #3, fife, fossi, twis, a knot, joint, knuckle, knob, *iftè*fèt, sitfèæfòi,–afwa,*fèasta, a cut-purse,pick-pocket. draw, rosatow, to froth, to foam. #tw-i, sist, itstow, the tops of hemp mixed with tobacco and used for smoking. [by. itsota, is ignorth, smoking hemp-tops, intoxicated thereiñi, ital,—ers tas, a listening posture, a listening. ifösrol, wrosta assifk, the ceremony of tying a bride and bridegroom together. sitàāt, zraeg és fraxwin, the prevention of the spread of poi son by incantations. अँीठम, शैiथब, कfोठेम,-अश्म, भिद्राप्नeध, कठेब, ध्वांक्लम, to knot, knit, string beads or flowers, arrange in rows, build, sew together in plaits, unite, admit into a society. #rsts, Tofo, fro, threaded, strung, knotted, regularly arranged, &c. [body. Trofit, rotate, horripilation, erection of the hair of the *istori, orgotta, an abortion, miscarriage. *rtstät, <<g zrurä, a small water jar. orror, se oro faros, a beautiful species of paroquet. *rs, strē, sitsi,—qw, stal, a tree, plant, a single fibre, hair or rope, &c. of Eto, statw, wyw, stata, to grow, sprout, spring up, climb, clamber, train or cultivate. भरिङ्ग. -ാറ്റി.