বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ûtit 167 Entsn, son, «fTI, TTFR, tremulous, unsteady, unfixed: চলান, the world or things moveable and immoveable. s#*, RRTR, tờeịR, viet tạetTR, cRRạfa, ce#4, to cause to move or act, impel, urge on, push, row, drive, dispel, conduct, guide, dispatch, shoot an arrow, &c. an invoice, a pass. Folgeri, Igen, statzorrat, much ado about anything, fuss. চজি, ៩៨៩, চাদ, চাদনী, চাদী, sifs, stai, rầy, a journey, a race. triffs, sfors, sts, essa Roi, sent, moved, agitated, gone, going, current, customary. [fluid. stsförgl,-stroit, wrotag, o, moveable, unsteady, otos, a handful of water, a swinging, undulation. è sora, arra, to spill, to flow or flap over. [course. fool, Asota, an action, deed, conduct, custom, •rtworro, a drinking vessel. ***, offswigs, to plough, to till. *śfa, oftoo, a ploughing, wages for ploughing. arfafrgi, sgor, ploughing, wormingin. zvén, stri, soft mud, dirt, mire. স্বপূহ, বাঞ্চ, èsi, srr* favera, wish, desire, want, demand, will, volition; tea. • * চাহন,–মাঙ্গন, বাঞ্ছন, দেখল, to ask, wish, see, look. চাওয়া,—বা", ब्रूडेि, wtowroat, desire, wish, request, look, view, glance. *fasis erat, sesi, husked paddy, sifted rice. rose, cowl, erors, wors, riferties, a turf, loose clod, a chief, leader, protector. "afstafarets, a coarse mat of reeds. rotors, on ssa, to scrape, pare, peel, shave, plane. কোকড়, চুম্বী, curled, crimped, crisped; a curl. [ings. ÉIGĦ,–* #4, #si, tetan, scrapings, shavings, parsoi, fortsä, the moon. [assessment. wto, a voluntary subscription, collection, extra sotsot, atafsi, zwis.wi, an awning, an open portico, a moonlight night. o rts, oss, soil, white, clear; silver. ogle