বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

410 ৰিগম forwst, fostă, onfstow, two, a seller, a salesman. ৰিত্নৰ, ভয়াকুল, বিক্ষিত, ফুৰ, জবা, sagt", overcome by seat, - surprize, agitation, shame or other passion, confused, confounded, lost, bewildered. , otts, wann, fatigued, wearied, exhausted. ৰত্নয়, শুষ্ক, স্নান, ủìí, sIRắ, shrivelled, withered, decayed, old, wet, moist. ৰিত্নে, smási, fvwrvt«, ja, rifs, wetness, dampness, an - oozing with matter, suppuration. [zy, silly. fafore, osts, fow, otorw, scattered, thrown, sent, &c. craविक्रुक, काठछ. wifts, agitated, disturbed, anxious. fazoei, osal, swatil, cots, a throwing, propelling, casting, scattering, dispersion, confusion, perplexity, distress of mind. [scatter, disperse. razovia, rows, orw, syrs, to throw, cast, send, shoot, fatwors, zorsarsi, vraal, agitation, distress of mind, anxiety. fastol, acqq onto, waxfors so, a discord, (in music.) fosts, risaw, fasts, wincks, famous, renowned, praised, celebrated, spoken of, denominated. faststfs, rifafo, so, fame. celebrity, notoriety, renown. ৰিগড়ন, ৰিকার কিম্বণ নাশ পাওন, মন্দ কওন, শুকন, সড়ন, পড়ন, স্বধৰ্ম্ম Osst Sza, to be deteriorated, to alter for the worse,to change, alter, fade, decay, apostatize. दिअज़ान, fदशाङ्गम,-मडे रूङ्गन, उच्छेाम, चङ्ग कह१, मना कद्रन, जाठि बांडव, to spoil, vitiate, impair, deteriorate, deface, ruin, mar, seduce, debauch, violate. ৰিগড়, ৰিগাড়,—fৰকার, ৰিলাশ, স্বধৰ্ম্মত্যাগ, সুহৃভেদ, বিৰাদ, deterioration, ruin, a change for the worse, apostacy, a rupture, quarrel. [ruining. &c. fairytût, first-ro, worstät, spoiling, vitiating, seducing, risis, “H, foot, fow, a foe, adversary, enemy. ৰিগত, প্রেত, প্রস্থিত, অন্তহিত, ৰিযুক্ত, ঘোর, দীপ্তিরহিত, ৰিডভি, departed, gone, disappeared, severed, separated, parted, dark, gloomy, obscured; a span. fasia, erota, faros, sersos, arts, departure, separation, disappearance, a parting, relinquishing.