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পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (পঞ্চম কল্প দ্বিতীয় ও তৃতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/২৩৫

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

i 冰 龜

  • ," # * ! I &

g )...4 ، و "م d * ', įł 曾 d Does education originate religious and moral ideas 2 Does it not merely tend to educe, call forth, awaken, and develop them 7 Can education give a blind man an idea of colour * 9. If Brahmoism or intuitional religion is to be found only in Öhristian educated countries is it not reasonable to conclude that the regult of Christian education ? & is it reasonable to conclude that that {}hristian oducation which teaches, otte to (lony is the livinity of Christ, to protest against the infallibiity of the Hgblo, to reject the dogmas af eterual heli and vieario:18 abouement, and, în hott, to ae ept 'hat muely of Christianity which tallios with the inner - voiation ? } { reasooie conclude that thase traohs are it, resuit of {¡hristian education l !, i് by an “ instinct whielt mer iġi, i, “inwạrilly" ...; nature and in consequence of the trutovgåé da tates, of f h, ir own mind” ? } ( Is a h: gher revelation ihan intuition vie,irał: g ". {.. a high” revelation . than the Bible

  • " لیجیلج * , §

és ; ;:i i:łe : es, -ee., o we all “ste s tlau ough a oriass otiinly.” lott, as four oral capacities are it 'no' wo wws tearn 3. satisfied with ti e trut) s v l. : i are vonthsafed to vs through t ııyorgy. wrotvství uţi o , ( as they do tio ćynly knowble .tnt rs (f s, ivatiși thiz Rode of the gravo. () i، يا ؟، . . possibility of 3,0.4, -revelation ? the Piahmos deny the Becaus: revolatio), is gubjective, liot objec $ tive.

  • ம் to llow, i.eit th:11, the Brahmos refer to books and yet dépy the possibility of begicrevelatio of

Because thể do not regard those books as book-revelatiotis , 3 نيس ation of religions doettineš except by working How ean (kod nuthenticate a revel miracles 2 Can miracles, authenticate a doctrine P Dhes not the following passage in the Bible clearly show that they cannot ? “For thers sińll a se false christs and fuíse prophets : and still show great signs and wonders; in so much that if it were possible they deceiva iho very elect”- Mlat.h. x.x. 1 v. 24,. § 14. . If ... be contended that miracles can *heatigate truth. ( i. e. prove truth te be**), will the Christians state (1 ) how that truth can be ascertained except by intuition and (2) are not miracles wholly unnecessary if they cannot prove a doctrine to be from God 7 Can the authority of Dr., Arnold be appealed to on this subject “Faith, without reason,” says he, “is not properly faith, but mere power-worship ; and powerworship may be devil-worship; for it is reason which entertains the idea of God—an idea essentially made up of truth and goolness, no less tliq.ri of | « wer, A Sign &f pwwyer, &xhibitest to the senses, tright, through them, duspx se tivo whal" inau... to acknowledge it as ăivine : ; “o power in its of is not divine, it n1, y in devilish. . . . . . F}qv, c:, n \í:o distinguish . . . W listinguish it,” hy Acomparing it with tiszt. toi's voice storm the voice of evil .

  • dca gf f ïaù which r¢qsq: ż»r % ìo ãof% enjoy*, tire }; 2/' νgαναν όλα ("οι 'r υ, έφία , ' 7", "αation ?f him3ờịr đớ :#an. Now, if t#:t: * nó “i” wlrich cenes ie was fron the wyset # rorfi agre: not with this idea, w g hA; ነwy “h :: vut te proiwunge it, not. to !»• *} ori's votve : For no signs of power, i:l "Gtafrization of t,

i } } can alone prove it to be from iod, | 5. Are true discipies of Brahmavior, who receiv. iv." sacral. on to of civil,itry 2 Brahmoism is opposed to i to: utry of Hoti: kinds— material and spiritual. The ess, are of her teachings is this, -Worship neith of the objects of the external world not the þ.iSsions of the heart : Hui serve the Öng True God, and do all thing 3 unto fits glory.

  • ٹم

y g -ു്. • *; بهة تقلبة لهم ব্রহ্ম বিবাহ, গত ১২ শ্রাবণ শুক্রবার ব্রাহ্ম ধৰ্ম্মের ব্যবস্থানুসারে শ্ৰীযুক্ত রাজাক্স মুখোপাধ্যায় মহাশয়ের ঐযুক্ত” ক্লেমেন্দ্রনাথ মুখোপাধ্যাস্কের সহিত শ্ৰীযুক্ত দেবেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর মহাশয়ের কন্যার শুভ বিবাহ স্পতি সমারোহ শুর্বক সম্পন্ন হইয়। গিন্ধছে । বঙ্গদেশে গ্রাহ্ম ধৰ্ম্মাম্বুযায়ী বিবাহের এই প্রথম স্থত্রপাত হইল । ৰিবাহ-সভায় লোকের বিস্তুর সমারোহ হইয়াছিন্থ । আর আহল্লাস্ত্রে বিষয় এই যে শার দুই শত