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পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (অষ্টম কল্প দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৪০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

8 o ↔ 7 and exercising no influence upon it, in short as the members of the Adi Brahmo Samaj were not willing to be, what a journal of England, which correctly understood its position, very properly termed, “ticketted” as Brahmos, and as they thought that the passing of the new bill would disturb the course of reformatory action which they have long been pursuing and which they emphatically thought to be most conducive to the success of the cause of religious and social reforination in the country, they at once sent a deputation on the morning of the day on which the bill was to be passed to wait upon the Homble Mr. Stephen and state to him their objections against the measure. Mr. Stephen, after being acquainted wit those objections, found good reason to postpone the passing of the bill till July next at Simla. In that month the saine deputation proceeded to Simla from Calcutta and presented to Mr Stephen the following memorial of the thembers of the Adi Prahmo Samaj against the bill. Ꭲó 教 If IN FX ("ELLE.NUY THE VIUER") Y A NI) (;0)\'}: H NOI:-(:NERAL () F [NI) JA 1N "()l N("l FOR MAKIN l.AWS AN I) }} E(: [:J.A'{'[( ) NS Tiiro HvMBLE MemoRiA i, or ThE MEM 11.18 of THE BRAHMo SoMA.i. Most respectrusly showeth THAT your memorialists have felt deep concern, and not a little alarm, at the introduction of the Bill into your Excell, incy's Council, entitled a Bill, to legalise marriages batween tha Members of the Brahmo Somaj. That the Bill as frained is objectionable on the following grounds:– \e)S(< || "(Cl<미 h

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| r ক - A 属 ודן שי It is intrusive in its character. First. —That its application extends to the whole body of Brahmos, not withstanding that the major part of the Brahmo Somaj“ do not feel the neces sity of such an enactment, nor have they applied for any legislation on the subject of Brahmo marriage.

  • The statement made to the effect, that a law legalising Brahmo marriages is wanted by the Brahmo comumunity at large, is not correct, mor loes Bahoo Kesub Chunder Sen represent the

whole Brahmo commnnity, and that with the exception of those who have applied for a law on the subject, the major portion of the Brahmo community are totally opposed to any legislative interference in the matter in question That a few years ago, Baboo Kesuh ("hunder Sen, one of the members of the Brahmo Soma!, having attempted to introduce uto the Somaj, doctrines and principles foreign to it, the result was, that a schism took place amongst the Brah mos, and Baboo Kesub Chunder Sen, and a few of his friends and followers, established a separate. Somal under the name of the “ Binlinto Sonial of lndia.” That considering the scope and tendency of the opinions, entertained by Baboo Kekub Chun der Sen, und his followers, your Memorialists are inclinel to dispute the right of these Brahmos, t" muako any "presentation ou lichalf (,f the whole. Brahmo cyamunity Your Memorialists regret. that the has moved itself on the Jno. sent question on their representation only, will ture contemplating to pass a law nit wanted hy the imajo ity of the Brahmos, who, like other bodies of H.indoo dissenters, do not require anv legislative intei feren e in the matter * Secondly.--That the promulgation of a new, law on marriage, prescribing, a particular forin, necessarily pre-supposes a sort of legislative sanction to

the invalidity of the form of marriage as obtains at present among the Brah: mos, inasmuch as the Bill is denominated “an act to legalise marriages between the me1eers of the 13rahmo Samaj sect.” Thus the Bill, though through the whole teñor of it underlies an assumption of its being an optional and protective , , enactment, becomes