বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/১৬৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খণ্ড

are ten representatives of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in the East. So, it’s not as if there are no observers or no foreigners.

 Also, ours is a very free and open society. And Ambassadors and other members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the Press, radio, television from many countries, parliamentary delegations from Canada, the United Kingdom, countries of Europe, Scandinavia, Latin American, Japan, New Zealand all these people have been and are going to the border, as well as to the camps.

 So, there is no question of our hiding anything or preventing anybody from going. But the question is, as this person has said, if it would bring peace to South Asia. Now, we don’t see how can it bring peace to South Asia. Something is happening in Last Bengal. People are still being killed. Refugees numbering thousands are still coming in every single day. Now, if you want the refugees who are already in these very uncomfortable, overcrowded camps to go back, the first question that they will ask is, is it safe? And if it is safe why are more people coming? So, this is a question that you have to be able to answer.

 But if the Secretary-General, or whoever is taking an interest, is able to ensure that this stream, which is still pouring in, can be stopped, then as the next step, he could say, “now we will consolidate that position and create conditions in which the rest can go back”.

 Question: In bringing the world’s attention to the present crisis, why did you not schedule a visit to the United Nations?

 Prime Minister: Well, I didn’t think it would serve much useful purpose.

 Question: Some observers say that the new Indian-Soviet treaty definitely takes India out of the camp of the neutrals. Would you comment?

 Prime Minister: India has never been in the camp of the neutrals, because while in America you have used the word” neutralism", in India we have never used that word. Non-alignment does not mean being neutral or unconcerned or ignoring what is happening in the world. It merely means that we do not belong to a military bloc, and that we reserve the right to judge each international issue on its own merits. not because the U.S. is supporting it or the U.S.S.R. or anybody else. We like to see these things from our own point of view and in the light of our own national interests and also, of course, of world peace.

 So far as the Indo-Soviet treaty is concerned, it does not affect our position of being a non-aligned country. So, we are not allowing military bases to any country. And while, under the treaty, we shall consult with the Soviet Union should any dangerous situation arise, it is entirely a matter for India to decide by herself what decision we take, what steps we take.

 Question: In assisting elements in Last Pakistan to achieve independence, are not the Indians playing into the hands of the Soviet Union, which has sought to obtain an outlet on the Indian Ocean?