বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৬৬৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খণ্ড

 Sir, after the declaration of President Nixon's visit to China, Pakistan has changed its position from being defensive to offensive and has threatened us with general war.And still, Sir, there is no reaction of the Government, except the statement of the External Affairs Minister that we would defend when attacked. May I know: Is there anything in the mind of the Government now start immediately giving military supplies, if not troops, to Bangladesh?

 SARDAR SWARAN SINGH: These cliches the Government only reacts but never acts, have become quite old. And for a senior member just to pick up these phrases and frame a question on them does not behave his seniority and signity.

 The second question that he asked is: Are we going to change our posture from seing defensive to offensive.......

 SARDAR SWARAN SINGH: We should be prepared to defend ourselves. That is the best form of defense.

 SARDAR SWARAN SINGH: Then he says that no reaction has come. This is the reaction that I have given to this House. Igave a statement in the other House yesterday there was a statement by President Yahya khan and there is a statement by me. This is the reaction........


 May I request the & hon. Member to think over, when he goes home, the implications of the question that he has put? I have no doubt that he will agree with me that his question was ill – conceived. You should never put any idea of that nature and you should try to understand the implications when you make a suggestion of that type. I have no doubt that in a calmer moment he will agree with me that this is not the form in which questions should be put or in which the questions should be answered. I will only appeal to him think over this matter once again, and not ask me to spell out anything. It is unwise to pose a question in that from.

 About the third question, I would not like to reply at all.

 SHRI MAHITOSH PURAKAYASTA (Assam): May I know from the hon. Minister of External Affairs whether the Government of India’s attention has been drawn to areport published inthe frist page of daily 'Dawn' of Karachi, dated June 9, 1971, on the visit of Dr.Kissinger, President Nixon's Assistant for National security affairs, I am quoting an extract from that. It reads as follows;

"According to foreign diplomatic circles here ........

 SARDAR SWARAN SINGH: Why should we put in Pakistan's point of view in our Parliament?

 MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You can only ask a question. Why do you read it? You need not read it. Just put your question.

 SHRI MAHITOSH PURKY ASTHA: Background is necessary.