বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৬৯৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

عربی را বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড observers on behalf of the United Nations have got to be there both on the side of Pakistan and India. And we are opposing it. Do they realize that this is also one of the consequences that overflowed from the policy adopted previously? Do they imagine that the international powers, the big powers in particular, will bale us out? The Soviet Union is not interested to change the balance of power in the subcontinent. The United States is not interested to change the balance of power in the sub-continent, nor is China nor is the Arab world, nor is other European countries, nor is Japan. This is the reality. They do not want to change the balance of power and they do not, therefore, want to see that Pakistan is in trouble. They would like to maintain the status quo. Was it not known before? Many of us said on the floor of the House long back that we should not run about like helpless people seeking help and assistance from other countries, My contention is if we had acted long back, three months back, within a fortnight when the Bangladesh struggle began, if we had accorded recognition and if we had accepted the political and military implications of that recognition, the refugees would in have come to India. It is my contention we got the refugees because of our own policy. We expressed sympathy in Lok Sabha, and promised them support. But the result is that the Bangla forces did not get any help and the Pakistan Army became more ruthless because we were no taking any interest excepting expression of sympathy. The consequence was that there was a huge exodus of refugees. Please believe me when I say, if we had accorded recognition to Bangladesh and taken adequate steps to help them, the problem of refugees would not have been there in India. These very refugees would have been converted into solders and fighters. Because of our failure, the have become refugees on our land. This is the tragedy. This is the consequence of inaction. This is the consequence of chronic complacency and this is the consequence of miss-application of judgment or taking wrong judgment. The refugees have to be cared for. The whole nation is undergoing suffering, the whole economy is collapsing and the whole eastern part of India is exposed to danger, for what? For the stupidity of this government. The government has been stupid, Sir, I must say. Their policies have been absurd. If they have not been mentally prepared to support Bangladesh... KUMARI SHANTA VASISHT (Delhi): Our industry is collapsing and economy is collapsing. Will a war give fillip to industries? SHRI M.S. GURUPADAWAMY: In my previous speech on Bangladesh I made one observation. I want to repeat that for the benefit for the hon. lady Member. I said on the other occasion that without declaring an open war, Pakistan has imposed on us burdens which are more than war burdens. Is it not a fact? I think declaration of war against Pakistan would have been much better than being inactive. So, without war we are facing war burdens. This is the kind of tragic situation we are in today. Is it not a fact. By sheer helplessness and hopelessness of this government, our country has been dragged into this dangerous economic collapse followed by political instability; there was an opportunity to create an atmosphere of political stability and peace and to bring about development in this area. What is happening today? What will happen tomorrow? My own forecast is I pray that this forecast may not come true-that if this situation is allowed to remain in fluid state, the whole area will be taken over by the extremists-call them by any name you like. The economic burdens caused by refugees will be so immense that the economy