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পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭২৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

aのS বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড the countries which count- and if these countries, if these Governments, take a firm stand and tell Yahya Khan not to proceed with the trial of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, then, Yahya Khan would not have the check to proceed with trial, So, we should put the question point blank. There is no question of evading the issue. That is why on this question I want to know the opinion of the Government. I suppose this is the last day, Lok Sabha is going to adjourn, If an appeal has to be addressed, we have to adopt it today. Tomorrow we cannot. Secondly, should not this issue be discussed in the United Nations? I do not want to pressurize the Soviet Union. But can they not raise this issue? Is it not possible to get the Security Council to discuss the issue and give some indication of their opinion to Yahya Khan. That will be something authoritative. Somehow or other it is clear, if the Security Council is called into session, it will be very difficult for them to get away from the issue and they will have to express on opinion. Whether it will be suitable or not, whether we can also approach that forum or not an questions that I would like to put to the Government of India, Sands of time are running out Eleventh is already over. Today is 12th everything will be over in a day or two. It may be that they may pass a death sentence. They may or may not execute him. That is not the point. We do not concede the right of Yahya Khan to try Mujibur Rahman. That is the pint and that is the history we have come to. Time is very short. If more effective intervention is needed it will be done swiftly and quickly without any loss of time. SHRI SURENDRA KPAL SINGH: I agree with the hon. Member when he says that the life of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is very precious. There is no doubt about that and we feel the same way. We do want to do everything possible to save his life. One way of doing it, as suggested by the hon. Member, is that the bigger powers should take more effective steps to influence Pakistan's thinking on this issue. That is exactly what we are striving for. It is for that reason that the Prime Minister addressed two letters to all the heads to governments including big powers, Except of course China, We are trying our best to activate them to do something more effective and use their influence with Pakistan to save the life of this valiant freedom fighter. This is being done. But as hon. Members know the big powers and all other countries are moving in their own way. We would like them to take effective steps. They have given us assurances. It is very difficult for me to say about what they are doing in the matter or the manner in which they are doing that we hope and pray that they will do something to save his life. As regards the appeal to be made by the Parliament, I am entirely in the hands of the Parliament and if the Parliament so decide to pass a resolution or make an appeal to all the world parliaments. We will welcome it as that will strengthen the Government's hands. As regards raising the matter in the United Nations, this matter has been given considerable though by the government and it is still under consideration. We are not opposed to the idea of taking it to the United Nations. But it is a very compels matter. Hon. Members know that a great deal of consultations have to be gone through with the various countries about the matter and it is only when we feel that we have reasonable support of a large number or countries, the time will come for taking it to that forum. This is under consideration.