বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭২৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

a○○ বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড THE LEADER OF OPPOSITION (SHRIM.S. GURUPADASWAMY): I look at this trial not as a trial of an individual, not as a trial of a political leader, not even as a trial of a revolutionary. I look at this trial as a trial of freedom itself. Sir there is no instance in history giving us any information on such trials. I think there is only one instance which happened centuries back. That was the trial of Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc was tried for serving a noble cause; she was tried for waging a war against tyranny. Sir, the trial of Mujib reminds me of that trial. There is some resemblance, to another trial. That was the trial of Queen Anne Boleyn and she was tried on fictitious charges and she was executed by her husband. Sir, there is nothing comparable to this trial. Mujibur Rahman is being tried on a fictitious charge of waging war against Pakistan. Sir, When the issue of Pakistan itself is in doubt, how can this trial go on? This can be a matter of opinion. Sir my friend, Shri Niren Ghosh, said that the Government of Pakistan has no right to try this revolutionary, this great man. But the trial is being carried on. Sir, I welcome the steps taken by the Government of India so far. I have also to say that these steps may not be adequate to save him and to save the situation both in Bangladesh and in India. I say this about the situation because the fate of this great man is linked up with the subsequent developments both in Bangladesh and also in India. It will never be an isolated phenomenon and therefore, Sir, I feel that the steps that they have taken, taken by the Prime Minister, though welcome, very much welcome, I feel, there is something still more to be done in this regard. I suggest, Sir that we as Parliament- we are about to adjourn now - should make an appeal to all the countries of the world, to all the Parliaments of the countries in the world, that they should react immediately on this issue. Secondly, Sir, we should tell the world that the execution of this great man will cause greater booed shed and it will be followed by a greater revolution and it will have its impact on our country also. This we should tell them. You know, Sir, anything that is done against this great man will aggravate the situation. So, Sir, we should spell out as to what will happen. Then sir, I suggest we should take up this matter with the United Nations more. I know that the statement of the Secretary General is not at all satisfactory. I think he seems to be skirting round the issue. He has not understood the implications and I think he has to understand his responsibilities. Sir, It is the concern of the United Nations to safeguard the liberties of individual as well as communities. And the United Nations has accepted this doctrine. If liberty or freedom is destroyed in any place, It will be destroyed everywhere. That doctrine has freedom anywhere will lead to the destruction of freedom everywhere. That doctrine has been accepted by the United Nations. I think, we as countryParticularly, the Prime Minister - should convince the Secretary General about his duties and responsibilities in this matter. If there is anything done against the life of this great man, we should also hold the United Nations responsible for its inaction. The United Nations has failed and we cannot give another opportunity to it to fail in this regard. It will be a tragedy if this diabolical, crude, brutal perversion will end in the execution of this great man. Therefore, Sir, I would like the Prime Minister not to satisfy herself with what she has done already. I want her to take up this matter seriously in her hands- not merely addressing letters; that