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পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭৩৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Գo Գ বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড Now, many Members asked about the replies that we got from the various Governments of the world. Most Governments do not want to say exactly what they are doing. They only give an indication that they have taken up this matter or they want to pursue his matter. For them also it is a question not merely of writing to President Yahya Khan or expressing their views, but of trying to find a way which will be effective. We believe that a large number of Governments have taken up this matter but how effective if is we just do not know. It does not seem to be very effective however much be the pressure. Some Governments are in a position to exert pressure but whether in the present circumstances of Pakistan, the military regime will want to yield to that pressure, whether they can expect them to yield to that pressure, these are also questions which perhaps they will take into account and make up their mind again. I would like to make only one point to hon. Members—not strictly concerned with Sheikh Mujibur. Rahman or this matter-which is that at all time we should differentiate between the people of Pakistan-Bangladesh, of course people even who live in the different provinces of West Pakistan-with whom we have no quarrel whatsoever and the military regime which is committing the atrocities in Bangladesh and which is also responsible for the suppression of all political rights of the people of West Pakistan. I do not think I can say very much now. We are aware that the United Nations has not done what it could have. We are aware of its many weaknesses not only on this occasion but on many others occasions and in other situations, and at that time we have always said that it is only a weakness. Yet we supported it as a body because it is a forum and perhaps there is no other such forum. These are questions of long term assessment on which views have to be taken. Hon. friend Shri Gurupadaswamy, rightly mentioned Joan of Arc, where after a summary trial of this sort, after her being burnt at the stake, finally she was practically declared a Saint and then definitely a national heroine. I do not think ultimatums or threats would serve any purpose. If they would serve any purpose, we certainly would not heritable to deliver an ultimatum or to threaten anybody; we will do this that and the other, but it is for the House to decide whether an ultimatum will achieve any result whether we could do it to the U.S.A or we could do it to the United Nations or we could do it to the Commonwealth. However strongly, however acutely, however agonizingly we feel over this question, we have to see that it is not one certaly of using any language and it is not a question of having a constitutional or legal telling on this question. The only point is what will be effective in frying to save the life of a person whom we feel is today much more than just an individual, even much more, as has been said, than a revolutionary of a fighter for freedom. He has come to symbolize same thing and the great tragedy of the situation is that it is not merely a tragedy of Bangladesh, which is indeed very grave-the sufferings of the people-but the real tragedy. I think, is the apathy which we see of the other nations to what is happening there. So, I would like to support those Members who have said that on this grave issue we should remain united and have a feeling of solidarity and certainly we should sit together and see if anything more can be done. MR. CHAIRMAN: I want to say one word. I share the anxiety and the feelings expressed in this House. I need not say that such a trial is unknown to civilization. If it against international law and if punishment is given in such a trial, it will be a crime against humanity.