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পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭৩৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

° >○ বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড SHRIVIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: Sir, it is our resolve not to start the war ourselves and, therefore, short of that we are taking all the steps that are necessary to safeguard our integrity and orders and to contain these highly provocative actions by Pakistan's armed forces on our borders. Therefore, Sir, hon. Members will appreciate that with the constrains that we have put on ourselves we have been effectively meeting the challenge and the difficulties that have been created on our borders by the condemnable activities of Pakistan's armed forces. Then, sir, about the exodus of Pakistan's High Commission personnel, we are not the Ministry dealing with it but we keep our information up to date in collaboration with the External Affairs Ministry. SHRI GODEY MURAHARI: Seventy six of them are leaving today in a foreign plane. SHRIVIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: We know. We have Studied this situation and we are keeping a very close watch on this. SHRIMATI PURABI MUKHOPADHYAY (West Bengal) Will the hon. Minister let us know whether the Government is aware of the fact of Pakistani troops coming in the dead of night and raiding the private houses of individuals and assaulting the women? So many things are happening there. In view of this day-to-day shelling, is the Government considering evacuation of the civilian population from these particular regions which are very sensitive, which are regularly being shelled and where strong sabotage activities are going on? SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: Sir, the population that is living in that border area is facing these difficult times with a great deal of valour and courage and, therefore, I do not think it would be a good idea to evacuate our civilian population from these areas. A population with a high morale, organized discipline and courage is an asset to the defense forces and therefore, I do not think this suggestion of the hon. Member should be implemented. But we are taking steps, whatever are necessary and possible in the circumstances, to safeguard the civilian life and property. SHRI K. C. PANDA (Orissa): In addition to the report that 12,000 Razakars have entered into Indian border areas, it is also reported that in the Western Sector, near about Shersa-near the base camp-and in Chandigarh, some Pakistanis have already established themselves as sardars having beard and hair just like sardars, even reading Granth Saheb. SARDAR NARINDAR SIGH BRAR (Punjab); Not only like sardars..... Interruptions SHRI K. C. PANDA: Please here the next part of it. It is also being reported that Indian nationals, that is, sardars, are doing sabotage work. But to my knowledge, those Pakistanis posing themselves as Sardars are doing the sabotage work. I want to know whether the Government has been apprised of all these things and what steps the Government is taking for protecting vital installations which may be subjected to sabotage. SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: We are aware of the efforts that are being made by Pakistan to send in saboteurs and to organize acts of sabotage, and we have been taking