বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৮৭৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

br8 a বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড reported having said that this can no longer be considered as an internal matter of Pakistan. If he has really said so, I take it to be perhaps a straw in the wind but even a drowning man has to clutch on a straw. I hope our Government which has now landed itself in a situation, cannot even protect our own borders, cannot stop the flow of refugees, cannot stop American arms going to Pakistan and cannot even the any effective steps by which we are able to save our own territory and our own economy and our own borders, will now think again. And Sir, as many responsible people have told them, the time for action has come. Therefore, I request him to please declare in this House today that the Government of Bangla Desh which represents the elected will of the people and has been recognized as such morally by the entire international community should be recognized and you should made clear that the authority of military regime over East Pakistan is not recognized by us any longer and we will not recognized that. After the way may be opened to take such type of action as would enable us to go ahead. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: This is a subject on which every Member feels legitimately involved. Unless Members cooperate by taking only five minutes, it would not be possible to keep to the time that we decided just now. So I would request Members to be brief. SHRI NIMBALKAR (Kolhapur): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as if anticipating my arguments in today's debate on the subject, the Times of India has printed a few lines from Goldsmith, which I would like to quote: "True generosity does not consist in obeying every impulse of humanity in following life passion for our guideline and impairing our circumstances by present benefactors so as to render us incapable of future ones". The question of the recognition of Bangla Desh is not one which can be solved immediately. It is the government alone which has enough accurate information to decide the right time at which this can be done. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: What right time? SHRI NIMBALKAR: It is for the government to decide. In fact, I would say that the visits that our Ministers made abroad to the different capitals will enable us to reach that time as early as possible. Here I would like to refer to two Members of Parliament who where once sitting on the Treasury Benches. One of them, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shri Dinesh Singh. and that the government lost a chance which it had, and I think he meant that our government should have acted on the 25th of March. Well, I am afraid, I do not agree with this view. Firstly because if we had acted the way Shri Dinesh Singh wanted-actually, he did not spell out what we should have done-then it would have become a conflict. not between the West Pakistan army and the people of Bangladesh but between Pakistan and India. and that is exactly what we wanted to avoid. If only we had done that and if Pakistan had gone to the Security Council asking that India be branded as aggressor, it would not have been difficult at all for Pakistan to achieve its object and that would not have been in the interests of India. I do not understand how Ministers, who are