বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৪৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

b>br বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড not propose to indulge in, we will make sure that we do not propose to indulge in, the Nazi from of war, the war of exterminating peaceful population. It is only in the extreme circumstances. Where military target are bombed-and our firing will never fail-that people will be put to hardship, and that we will not use those deadly weapons called napalm bombs and things like that which cripple young people. If you see people who have been affected by that you would never allow them to be used. These are thing which at this time and on this occasions we should not forget in the enthusiasm of crushing the enemy. I know that the enemy can never be crushed; if he is crushed he will rise again but we have to pull out those fangs that try to kill us. I want to say one word about the proclamation of emergency. There is no doubt that a proclamation of emergency is necessary for many legal reasons. Otherwise. Government would be faced with very much delay and inconvenience, even though they can indemnity the officials later. But I am sure the Prime Minister will bear in mind a great saying which is said about a great empire and which I say about a great cause: great empires and little minds go together and generosity is seldom the least virtue. Therefore, we should not forget all that. We should go forwards, not only the opposition but Members of Parliament belonging to all parties, the entier nation has to go forward together I do not talk of a national government because, after all, the government is a national government. What else is it, except for some of us outside? Therefore, we should not have to spend our time fighting or the policemen guarding our houses or beating young people. These are things which can wait and especially when the war is long-drawn out the government has to consider these things. Finally, I hope the Prime Minister will at no time heed the counsel of unwisdom which says the Parliament must go. That proceeds on the assumption that parliament is a luxury which we tolerate. That is not so. Parliament is a necessary establishment, in order that in case there would be reverses and there is no doubt about it that there would be reverse; there can be no war without reverses except in the thinking of people sometimes-the Parliament can act as the safety valve on such occasions. So, this parliament has to sit. When bombs were raining over London the British Parliament had midnight sessions and two bombs actually struck the House when they were sitting. This is the thing which shook Hitler that people do not go away even when bombs are showered. Our people are also the same. We have passion for defending this country. When we could shake a mighty empire to its foundations, So we can shake the might empire that support the aggressor when aggression takes place and we should warn the world that any assistance given to the aggression in India is an act of aggression against India itself. SHRI M. SATYANARAYAN RAO (Karimnagar): Mr. Speaker, sir the need of the hour is not making speech but only action. We will have to make sacrifices. On behalf of the Telanagana Praja samithi I would like to assure the Prime Minister that the whole nation is behind her. Let us forget our petty problems. There are no problems expect the one problem as to how to drive out this aggressor who is coming to our country. I will request the prime Minister to assign some work at least to some of our young members here. We know that our soldiers are not only fighting but are laying down their