গ্রে সাহেবের বর্ণনা। ol On the 18th about 9 o'clock in 'ille marniug our outworks were 'attacked, small parties were dispatched to the tops of soine of tlie liighest 11011ses...to annoy the cuenny... Amongst those Messrs. Charles Smith and Robert Wilkison had the misfortune to be killed, Monsieur La Boune...... was posted at the jail, bravely defeuded it for six hours till hiinself and most of his inen...wouluded. পরিশিষ্ট মিস্ সাহেবের বর্ণনা or on the 18th of June abouit 9 in the inorning our outworks were attacked by small partys in the skirts of the town, we dispatched several sinall parties to the tors of several of the liighest houses ...... to annoy the eneiny, and Monsieur La Bonne with a party of militia and volunteers ... ... Amongst those sinali partys were killed Messrs. Charles Smith and Wilkinson. Monsieur La Boune, who retired to the Jail house with his party, bravely defended it for six hours, till himself and most of his party were wounded. 4 81 In the evening the enemy killing and wounding several of our men, and surrounding 11s on all sides, we were ordered to retreat from our outposts after having spiked up our guius and taken possession of the church, Mr. Cruttenden's, 81 In the evening the eneiny attacked us sinartly, killing and woundiug several of our men with their small arms, they endeavoured to surround us, were ordered to retreat from the outworks, after having spiked up our grins, and take possession of the church, "Mr. Cruttenden's, Aire's and the >
পাতা:অন্ধকূপ-হত্যা-রহস্য - মুজিবর রহমান.pdf/১১৯