পাতা:চিঠিপত্র (অষ্টম খণ্ড)-রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf/৩২১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Free Church College as it was then called, on Nimtola Ghat Street. One of the speakers was Asutosh Mukerji, at that time a student in the Presidency College and afterwards famous as a Judge of the Calcutta High Court and Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University. With the enthusiasm which is becoming in a student, Asutosh spoke of Surendranath as “our illustrious leader”. Rabindranath was also present by invitation and after the speech-making was over had to sing a song in response to persitstent calls.“ Rabindranath frequently read out his freshly composed poems to me. Once he brought one of his best known dramas, which he had just written, and we read it together. The final incident in the play did not seem to me to be in keeping with the spirit of the drama and I told him so. He said his Bara Dada was of the same opinion and he changed the concluding part before sending the book to the press. We had a sort of a friendly Literary Society which met occasionally at the houses of friends. We met once at Akrur Dutt Street in the house in which the Savitri Library was located and there was another meeting at Rabindranath’s house. We used to have animated discussions on literary subjects, but the inner man was not neglected and ample refreshments were always Trovided. Rabindranath was very generous, though at this time he had no independent income of his own and only received an allowance from his father.... ૨ જે :