the 1st of April 1914, 2. That on the 30th day of April 1914 the Publisher shall submit to the Author a true and faithful" account of the copies published by the Publisher of the various works included in the said three Agreements and showing the number of copies thereof which remained unsold on the 1st of April 1914. 3. That the sale of all works and publications the sales whereof were authorised by the said three several Agreements and which were published before the said 1st day of April 1914 but which remained unsold on the said date shall be subject to the provisions contained herein. 4. The Publisher shall at his own risk and expense produce and publish all and every works of the Author mentioned in the said schedule A and before such publication have the quality of the printing and paper of such work or works approved by the Author. 5. The Author guarantees to the Publisher that the said works mentioned in the said schedule A or any of them are or is in no way whatever a violation of any existing copyright and that it contains nothing of a libellous or scandalous character and that he will indemnify the Publisher from all suits, claims, proceedings, damages, and costs which may be made taken or incurred by Ot against hinn or them on the ground that the Said works mentioned in the said schedule A or any of them are or is an infringement of copyright or contains anything libellous or scandalous. ՀԵ օ
পাতা:চিঠিপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড)-রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf/২৯৮