[ 3 ] devole themselves foo much lo the pleasures of ihe flesh, if they forsake the paths of virtue and rely wholly upon brute sorce. Religion will disappear from ihe face of the Earth, and with Religion will perish Literature. And is these gross, malerialistic iendencies persisi for a housand years on end, it is my fear that the names even of Valmiki and Kalidasa will be wiped off from dhe memories of man ; but the name of Now!on will still live and continue to shino. And so I thought—"Whal should I do thał my name might live for {} few days in the Books of Life 9" And so, onco again. I belook myself with passionate intensily of thoughỉ lo he Divine Mollier, lhe source of all energy and power, and, in the lonely hours of night, once again it was borne in upon Iny mind that I mighỉ devole myself to the study and invesligalion ol some great and original theme. But what was I to do 2 Even in those laster days, our own Jagadish Chundra, working upon an old voin of thought in Manu, has enriched ihe world with his heasures of thoughi and wisdom. But I am an usier ignoramus in all the pertains lo Weslern science and literalure, and this sphere of work is not sor Inc. But as I thus brooded upon my ihousand deficiencies, someihing prompted IIOG from within that there was one problem—the problem of problems—the elernal problem of Life—
পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/৮৮