পাতা:তমলুকের ইতিহাস - সেবানন্দ ভারতী.pdf/১২৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

R তমলুকের ইতিহাস। প্ৰাচীন “তাম্রলিপ্ত’ জাতি হইতেই উদ্ভুষ্ঠ—তাম্রলিপ্ত শব্দের অপভ্রংশ বা পালিভাষার তামলিটি ( তাম্রলিপ্তি ) শব্দ হইতেই ‘তামিল” শব্দ উৎপন্ন its fiss (r. 1stifical Reg Stets “The Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago” aita RF giz38 8 e ?gèta ffリiび極研:ー "Most of these Mongolian tribes emigrated to Southern India from Tamalitti, the great emporium of trade at the mouth of the Ganges, and this accounts for the name "Tamils" by which they were collectively known among the more ancient inhabitants of the Deccan. The name Tamil appears to be therefore only an abbreviation of the word Tamalitti. The Tamraliptas are alluded to, along with the Kosalas and Odras, as inhabitants of Bengal and adjoining seacoasts in the Vayu and Vishnu Puranas, sq. (8: 51st rod is fif's at :-They were known as Tamils, most prabably because they had emigrated from Tamilitti (Tamralipti) the great sea-port at the mouth of the Ganges. 2. The Paii form of Sanskrit Talnralipti. It is now known as Tamluk, and lies on a bay of the Rupnarayan river 12 miles above its junction with the Hughly Mouth of the Ganges. McCrimdile’s Ptolemy : I 7o I. The Modern Tamluk on the Rupnarayan Branch of the Hoogly, 35 miles south-west of Calcutta. The Tamilittis or Tamraliptas are also mentioned as a separate nation inhabiting Lower Bengal in the Matsya, and Vishnu, and other Puranas.